Christmas (Pt.2)

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Grillby called everyone into the kitchen. Everyone sat around the table and began to eat all the pie, stuffing, chicken, and whatever other food imaginable as they could ever want.

Then everyone went to go watch a Christmas movie. Everyone decided on The Grinch, since it was a classic. They sat and watched, and halfway through the movie, Frisk laid her head against Sans' lap and stuck out her legs over the arm of the couch.

Sans turned bright blue and Frisk laughed until she saw Undyne snap a picture. She then turned bright red.

Soon, the movie was finished and MK, Alphys, Mettaton, Undyne and Napstablook decided to go home. Asgore and Toriel decided to call it a night and gave Asriel charge over everything, but from the look on his face, that would be a bad idea.

As soon as Toriel and Asgore left, Asriel clapped his hands together and devilishly said "Let's play Never Have I Ever." Nobody objected, so he motioned for everyone to sit in a circle.

The five of them got up and sat at the huge table while Asriel got the shots ready. Asriel started out, saying "Never have I ever shoplifted." Chara and Sans both took a shot.

Next, Sans said "Never have I ever been arrested." Chara and Papyrus took a shot. Sans' eyes widened. "Papyrus?" Papyrus rubbed the back of his neck. "NYEH HEH HEH... WELL, I WAS APPARENTLY BEING A PUBLIC DISTURBANCE SO I WAS ARRESTED..."

Chara said "Never have I ever danced in an elevator." She grinned at Frisk and Asriel who both took a shot. Chara laughed. "Remember the other people in the elevator?" Asriel nodded and laughed as did Frisk.

Next Frisk said "Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight." She smugly looked at Sans, who took a shot, as well as Papyrus and Chara. Frisk was confused and asked "Chara? Who?" Chara blushed and said "I'd rather not share..."

Papyrus smiles devilishly, which caused everyone to become nervous. "NEVER HAVE I EVER MURDERED SOMEONE BEFORE." Asriel, Sans, Frisk, and Chara all took a shot. Papyrus looked disappointed. "WOWIE. I'M DISAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU. ESPECIALLY YOU, SANS."

Sans glared at Chara. "They deserved it, Paps. Besides, they're not dead anymore." Everyone went silent until Asriel coughed. "Let's add up the current scores," he said.

Sans - 3 shots
Asriel - 2 shots
Papyrus - 2 shots
Frisk - 2 shots
Chara - 4 shots

Asriel laughed. "6 more shots, Chara." Sans and Chara were both a little drunk at this point. The game continued on and the current standings were this:

Sans - 7 shots
Asriel - 5 shots
Papyrus - 6 shots
Frisk - 3 shots
Chara - 9 shots

And then this:
Sans - 10 shots
Asriel - 9 shots
Papyrus 7 shots
Frisk - 5 shots
Chara - 10 shots, and then she lost the game.

After a bit, it was down to Frisk and Papyrus who were each at 9. "N-NEVER HAVE I E-EVER *HIC* FLIRT-FLIRTED MY W-WAY OUT OF *HIC* A PARKING TTTIICCKETTTT..." Papyrus said, knowing Frisk had to take a shot, which she did. "I WIN!"

And everyone fell asleep.

They woke up the next morning and opened their presents. "WOWIE! SANTA CAME!" Papyrus yelled. He ripped open his box to find a red scarf with a pattern of white bones on it. He took off his current scarf and replaced it with the new one.

Asriel and Chara both got matching sweaters that were in their current sizes, which they were very happy about, and they were like always green and yellow.

Sans had gotten a bunch of special edition ketchup and a new blue hoodie. Sans seemed pleased with his gifts.

Frisk had gotten a cute framed picture of her and all of her friends together. She was really happy to finally have a group picture after all of these years.

Sans tapped Frisk's shoulder. "Huh? What is it, Sans?" She asked. He pulled out a necklace that had a heart shaped amethyst hanging down from the string. "W-Will y-you be m-my g-girlfriend?" Sans asked nervously.

Frisk stayed silent, making Sans nervous. She then grabbed the front of Sans' shirt and pulled him harshly into a kiss, making everyone's eyes and eye sockets widen. When Frisk pulled away, Sans was a blushing mess. "I'll... I'll take that as a yes then?" Frisk laughed and nodded. Sans tied the necklace around Frisk's neck. Everything was perfect.

Until there was a knock at the door.

Frisk went to open it, only to have a bag shoved over her head and be thrown into the back of an all too familiar car.

Blake was back for revenge.

This chapter was garbage, but thanks for reading my crappy book anyways. Please enjoy the rest of the trash that I throw at you guys :D
Also, I know it's not supposed to be Christmas, but I changed it from a barbecue because I felt like doing a Christmas cliché. Thanks for putting up with this garbage!

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