Goodbye, Frans

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It had been a difficult week for Papyrus and Frans, with all of the arguing and confusion. Especially when three were about to drink a bottle of ketchup, but Frisk spit it out, claiming it was disgusting. It was a longggg week.

Soon, Alphys has called them, claiming that the DT extractor was ready and it just needed to be hooked up to them in order to work it's magic. So Frans had teleported over there and hooked themselves up to the DT machine.

"Y-you g-guys r-ready?" Alphys asked Frans nervously. Frans nodded, a hint of determination shining in their eyes. Alphys presses a few buttons and pulled a few levers before taking a deep breath and pushing a big, red button.

Their purple soul appeared, shining brightly. A laser shot out of the DT extractor and it was hitting right at the soul. Their HP was lowering, but the machine was working. Alphys was confused and scared and didn't know what to do. She decided on leaving the machine on and hoping for the best.

After a few more seconds, Frans disappeared in a purple light, and soon the light turned red and blue, and soon, it disappeared and Frisk and Sans were laying on the floor, unconscious. Frisk had 1/20 HP and Sans had .01/1 HP, so Alphys had called Papyrus to take them to the hospital part of her lab.

Frisk awoke in a bright, white room that reminded her much of a hospital. "What happened this time..." She whispered to herself. She looked around to see Sans laying in the bed next to hers. All of her memories from the previous week came back, and she was left in shock for a few seconds until Alphys walked in.

Alphys looked up from her clipboard. "O-oh, you're a-awake! It's b-been 3 d-days..." Frisk's eyes widened. "Three days? Wow." Frisk then looked at Alphys and a thought came in her mind. "You kinda look like that nurse from when I got shot with that clipboard," Frisk said while laughing. Alphys laughed as well.

Alphys scribbled a few things onto the clipboard. "M-mind if I c-check your H-HP r-real quick?" Frisk nodded and Alphys checked, seeing that it was at 20/20. Alphys smiled and typed something into a computer. Frisk's stomach growled loudly. "O-oh! I'll g-get you s-some food!" Alphys rushed out of the room.

While Alphys was gone, Sans came to. Frisk rushed over and gave him a hug. "You're awake!" Frisk then smirked and said "I was pretty bonely without you." Sans chuckled. "I'm supposed to be the punny one, kiddo. How're ya feeling?" Frisk smiled. "I'm fine, what about you?"

Sans rubbed his head. "I have a bit of a headache, tibia honest." Frisk crosses her arms. "That's not very humerus," She said while faking a pout. Soon, they both started laughing, and Alphys walked into the room.

Alphys gave Frisk some noodles and checked Sans as well, who was at 1/1 HP. "S-Sans, do y-you want s-some ketchup? You've b-been out of it f-for three d-days..." Alphys stuttered after running tests and taking notes. Sans nodded. "Thanks a skele-ton, Alph," He said. Alphys laughed nervously and ran out of the room.

Frisk gestured for Sans to drink some water. "You should drink some water, it might help with the headache," she said. Sans smirked and took a sip. "It didn't work, but I think I have an idea." Frisk asked "What?" Sans wrapped his arms around Frisk's waist and kissed her gently, catching her by surprise. She kissed back Sans pulled away soon after, saying "I feel better already."

Alphys walked back in the room with the ketchup, which Sans chugged in about ten seconds. Frisk stuck out her tongue in disgust. "I still don't see how you can straight up drink the stuff." Sans stick out his tongue at her. "I don't see how you CAN'T," He said while chuckling.

Alphys cut them both off by saying "P-Papyrus and t-the Dreemurr's s-should be coming to v-visit soon..." Frisk smiled happily. "I missed them..."

Papyrus came running through the front door. He picked up Sans and hugged him tightly. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT, BROTHER? HOW ARE YOU FEELING? I BROUGHT YOU SOME SPAGHETTI!"

Sans hugged Papyrus back. "I'm alright, Pap. Don't be so rattled." Papyrus immediately put Sans down and dumped spaghetti on his head. "NYEH! STOP RUINING HAPPY MOMENTS SANS!" Sans chuckled. "Whatever you say, bro."

Papyrus then looked over at Frisk. He hugged her. "AND YOU, HUMAN FRISK! HOW ARE YOU? WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SPAGHETTI! I BROUGHT EXTRA!" Frisk laughed. "I'm doing good, and thanks, but no thanks."

Papyrus set her down and sat next to Sans. They talked for a bit until the Dreemurr's came. Chara came running up to Frisk and tackle hugged her. "Don't ever do that ever again, Frisk." Frisk laughed. "I'll try, no promises!"

Toriel and Asgore walked over and hugged Frisk. Frisk relaxed in the warmth of their warm and fuzzy embrace. "Are you alright, my child?" They both asked. Frisk smiled happily. "I'm fine, thank you guys for everything."

Asriel then walked over. He sat next to Frisk and gave her an awkward sibling hug. They then burst out laughing afterwards. "I missed you, Frisk," Asriel said while they were laughing. Frisk replied "Yeah, you too. But not that much." Frisk cracked a smile at Asriel's face. "Just kidding!"

Alphys walked over. "S-Sorry to disturb y-you guys, but you're both f-free to go home! B-but before you guys go, can I ask something?" Sans knew what she was going to ask. "Yup, we are." Alphys pulled out her phone and started typing something.

"I n-need proof," she said, looking up. Sans smirked at Frisk before kissing her on lips gently. Alphys took a picture and started fangirling. "O-okay, you guys can go now!"

Sans linked arms with Frisk. "Let's take a shortcut. Paps, wanna come?" Papyrus said "NO, I'M NOT A LAZYBONES!" He then sprinted out the front door. Frisk waved to everybody before Sans teleported them away.

Frisk and Sans laid on the couch. "So, kiddo, whaddya wanna do?" Sans asked with a grin. Frisk groaned. "Tibia honest, all I wanna do now is relax for a bit." Sans smirked. "I'm the skele-pun, not you. Although I find that pun very humerus."

Papyrus came sprinting through the front door, panting. "H-HOW? I WAS CERTAIN I WOULD BE HOME FIRST!" Sans winked. "I just used a shortcut," he said. "NYEH! YOU AND YOUR SHORTCUTS!"

Frisk took the remote and turned on a movie. Frisk laid with her head in Sans' lap and her legs over Papyrus'. Soon, she dozed off. What a long day.

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