Hydra Solider

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"Sargent Barnes! if you may can you tell us about the Hydra Solider that you seen during your capture?" Phillips asked. Bucky swallowed as the questioning began a week after Steve rescued him and his unit. "I don't know anything about it, its something that is dressed in all black, and it's eyes glow blue. The next thing all of us know, we were covered in a blue light then lifted up getting capture. It happened so fast." Bucky answered, his leg becoming restless as he retailed the story for the third time. Phillips wrote down everything Bucky said, "Did you ever get a good look at it. It's features, is it human, anything at all?" Lt. John asked, Bucky shook his head 'no', "No sir, nothing at all. They kept it away from us for the most part, it would pass us when ever it was leaving i'm guessing. Honestly I only seen it twice the whole time I was there, after that everything is just a blur." Bucky answered, not telling the officials the whole truth. Steve went over what Abraham told him, Bucky promised to not tell anyone the full story about Shadow and that she is a girl. The whole situation is complicated all together, Steve wanted to get more information himself. "Thank you Sargent, that will be all. We just want to make sure that you are good to go for your field missions with Captain America." Lt. John said standing up shaking Bucky hand leaving. "Your welcome sir, thank you." Bucky said saluting Lt. John as he was walking out the door.

Phillips looked at Bucky before he allowed him to leave, "Sargent Barnes, this will be off records. Is there anything else you can tell me about this solider. Anything at all?" Phillips asked standing up walking over to his solider. Bucky once again shook his head 'no', "No sir, the Hydra solider is a mystery. All I know, it is very powerful and possibly unstoppable." Bucky answered looking down to his feet then making eye contact with Phillips, "We need to find a way to stop what ever it is Hydra is planning and fast." Bucky said with sternest. Phillips gave Bucky a once over, "Ok Sargent, get some rest you have a big day tomorrow." Phillips said, knowing that Bucky wasn't giving him the whole truth, choosing to give the man a chance to tell him when he is ready. 

Bucky walked out the tent heading to the bar that his unit is at. Bucky heard a few gun shoots going off in Howard Stark lab, he decided to ignore it thinking the genus is working on something for the military. Bucky couldn't get the Hydra solider out of his mind, 'Why would she help me. What is Hydra doing that they needed to make a human with powers.' Bucky thought as he was walking to the bar. "This is to much, what is happening." Bucky said out loud rubbing his head wishing that he could forget everything that's been happening with him. He wasn't sure what Zola did to him, his body felt different but not so different that it was obvious, when Shadow healed him the pain stopped and the sickness went away. What ever it was Bucky hoped that he will never see the man again. "Bucky!" Steve quietly hollered jogging to his friend, "Hey, how did it go." Steve asked, "It went the same, they just wanted information on Shadow and what she look like." Bucky answered just as quietly, "Yea, hopefully we can find information on what Hydras been doing and why they made Shadow in the first place. Abraham didn't go into detail about her. Do you think we can take her if we encounter her?" Steve asked as the bar came into view. "I don't know pal. She is something that wasn't suppose to exist. From what we all seen, she's unstoppable, maybe hand to hand combat is a good change. I don't think even you can get that close to her." Bucky said as he remember how she threw the solider like a rag doll in the cell. "Was she really that strong?" Steve asked, curious as to how a person can be that powerful. "Yes Steve, Shadow is something that we need to be smart about. We can't just blaze in if we ever do see her, which i'm sure we will. I'm hoping you never see what we seen." Bucky said rubbing his head again, "I need a drink." Bucky mumbled as the memories started to come forward again, and wanting to forget everything for a while. 

Steve left his friend alone, knowing he's been through a lot during his captive. Steve wanted to know more about Shadow, he had a plan set and ready to go for when him and the 107th take out Hydra bases. Steve knew that Shadow was going to be apart of their battle, what he wasn't ready for was the powers that she have and just how powerful she is thanks to Bucky and the 107th describing what they seen at the Hydra base. Steve felt confident in his new abilities, he was fast, strong and not afraid of a fight he knew he can take on Shadow if it came to it. From what he gather, she wasn't good in close combat, that could be her weakness all together if he can get close. Steve then looked to his friend seeing that his mind was on tother things, "Come on Buck, let's just enjoy our last night of carefreeness." Steve said as he and Bucky entered the bar to join their new team in a little fun for the night. 

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