New Hydra

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Shadow been with Hydra now for 50years. The new Hydra was more high tech, and way more organize then the old. Shadow even had new clothes and helmet, the technology was out of this world, she greatly approved of the jump. The new Hydra was happy to have the ultimate weapon as part of their team, they have her go out on missions when ever things don't go their way. A new threat came about thanks to Captain America lady love and his friends which they call themselves 'Shields'.  Dr.Zola have been undercover during their rise helping Hydra from the very core of the organization, a man named Nick Fury was climbing ranks right along with Hydra new leader Alexander Pierce. Alexander Pierce took over to follow the footsteps of Schmidts, he was young, patience, and very ambitious. He understood what it took to take over the world, he had to play his cards right in order to one day to bring the world to its knees, becoming friends with Nick Fury was one of the greatest play he made. Pierce knew about Shadow and what she can do, he just wasn't sure on how to control the solider, which was why he favorite the Winter Solider. 

The Winter Solider and Shadow haven't had much interaction. When Shadow first spotted Bucky, they were frying his mind making him forget almost everything that has happen to him before losing his arm. Pierce tried to have the same thing be done to Shadow so that he can have control over the weapon, Shadow quickly put an end to that by blowing up the base killing everyone within it. Shadow disappeared for a few years before the Winter Solider was sent to find her and bring her back with understanding that they won't try again to fry her brain. Shadow allowed Bucky to find her, she heard his heartbeat and his foggy mind when he was let out of his frozen prison. Shadow powers have evolved with the help of Hydra, she's been practicing on developing her mind control. She can make people her puppet but it was hard on her from time to time to keep hold of the control. When Bucky found her, Shadow looked at him through her helmet, Bucky didn't have an ounce of recognition in his eyes. "You need to come back now" Bucky said emotionless looking at the solider and studying her. Shadow nod her head then asked, "What is your name?" Bucky was shock that the solider spoke to him, asking him that question, "I don't have one." Bucky simply stated, "Come" Bucky said keeping this stare firm on her. Shadow didn't speak to him after that, she grab his arm teleporting them back to Siberia Hydra base where Bucky was mainly homed. Bucky was shock when they teleported back to his home, he stared at the solider with a new respect. Shadow turned her head to him, before they were interrupted by Pierce himself.

"Well done Solider, you may go get your new mission, the U.S. President isn't keeping his deal and need to be dealt with." Pierce said to Bucky. Bucky walked away without a word to take a jet to the States. Shadow watched as he moved on then turned her attention to Pierce. Pierce smiled at the ultimate weapon, "Welcome back, sorry for the miss understanding, sometime those men get a little beside themselves." Pierce said trying to pacify the situation. Shadow continue to stare at the man, smelling the lie that came off of that statement. Pierce then became uncomfortable under the intense stare, "Listen, I think we need some understanding between us. I am your new master, you listen to me and follow the orders that I give you. We are a team here at Hydra." Pierce said walking around with his hands behind his back. Shadow followed the man with her eyes, glaring at the man through her helmet. Pierce turned back to the ultimate weapon, "Now with that new understanding, lets start fresh." Pierce said looking at Shadow. Shadow nod her head slightly, "Great! I want you go with the Winter Solider, once he's done with Mr. President. I need you both take care of a man named Howard Stark." Pierce said putting down Howard file in front of Shadow. Shadow took the file opening it seeing the picture of the man. Shadow nod her head and turned to leave for her mission, "Oh and Shadow." Pierce called out causing her to stop. "If you ever destroy a Hydra base like that again, I won't hesitate to punish you. Zola gave me your file and we know how to destroy you." Pierce threatened the weapon. Shadow didn't bother to turn around, she continue her journey to wait for Bucky to return. Pierce sneered at the weapon then walked away needing to get back to Shields to train new recruits that Hydra recruited, a young man by the name Rumlow is showing promise on being a great Hydra solider and leader.

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