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Shadow was laying on her back on a hill without her helmet on, her short multi-colored purple hair was sprawled out around her. Shadow have been thinking about what Steve said to her the past few days, she wasn't sure how she could face Bucky after hearing the truth about her action from Steve. Shadow raised her hand to the night sky, playing with her powers, it looked like little stars was forming in her very hand. Shadow was in her deepest thoughts when she heard her name being called. Shadow rises up listening to the voice that called out to her, she grab her helmet teleporting to Bucky without a second thought. Shadow spotted Bucky not that far from where she was laying, Shadow approached him quietly considering he wasn't alone. Bucky turned to her with a confuse look, Shadow could tell that he been through hell and back. "Hi." Shadow simply said squatting down beside him reaching out to remove some wet hair from his face. Bucky closed his eyes at the familiar action, his body was reacting before he could understand why he found comfort in the action. "You really came." Bucky said looking at his friend, Shadow nod her head, she can tell that Hydra erased his memory again. Bucky would always get that blank look in his eyes, "I told you I would didn't I" Shadow said playfully. Bucky nod his head keeping hold of her hand near his face. Shadow took in his appearance, "I'll find you some clothes, then I can take you back to Hydra." Shadow said standing up. "I'm not going back." Bucky told her, Shadow squatted back down, "What?" She asked, Bucky let out a sigh, "I remember almost everything, I remember thanks to Steve. Not everything, but I know my name is Bucky. I also remember you called me that too one day." Bucky said looking down at his shoes.

Shadow was worried how he would take the news about her involvement in his time with Hydra. Shadow swallowed then nod her head, "Let me find you some dry clothes." Shadow said as she teleported away, causing some drug heads to shake their head checking their dosage. Bucky waited patiently for her return, Shadow returned less then a second later, "Here, I hope they fit." Shadow said holding out the clothes to him. Bucky took them, "Thank you." He then looked to her wanting privacy. Shadow tilted her head, "What?" she asked in confusion. "Turn around." Bucky said twirling his finger for her to turn around. Shadow did what he asked, still not understanding why she hand turn her head. Bucky chuckled lightly at his friend as he changed, "Ok i'm done." Bucky said. Shadow turned back to him nodding her head, "I like those clothes." Shadow said. Bucky agreed with her, "Come on, let's get out of here." Shadow said putting her hand on his arm teleporting them to her hill.

Bucky was eating his food that Shadow got for him, thanks to her mind control over the vendor. Shadow was sitting beside him with her helmet off watching the night sky, Bucky was watching her as her mind began to wonder. "I don't blame you." Bucky said. Shadow turned her head to him and began to play with her fingers, "What do you mean?" Shadow asked, she then looked to Bucky from under her hair, "I don't blame you for bring me to Hydra. While I was I was being repaired from my first encounter with Steve I had a vision of you finding me in the snow after I fell." Bucky then smiled at her, "It's a blur after that but I can put two and two together." Bucky said resting his chin on his biceps. Shadow swallowed hard again, "I'm so sorry Bucky." Shadow said, "I thought I was doing something good. I thought I was helping, but Steve was right. I'm just as bad as the rest of Hydra for what I did to you." Shadow said, she felt Bucky finger wipe away something from her cheek. "You are nothing like them Shadow." Bucky said as he wiped away her tear that fell. Shadow didn't know about tears, she didn't even know she could cry. "How can you forgive something like?" Shadow asked, not believing that he would forgive her so easily. "You're my friend Shadow, outside of Steve, you've been then with me since the beginning." Bucky answered. "70yrs is a long time to be friends with someone." Bucky said as he bumped his shoulder with hers. Shadow smiled at her friend in gratitude, "I promise Bucky, I won't have anything happen to you. I'll protect you with my life." Shadow promised. Bucky smiled at her, "I will protect you too. We are in this crazy world together." Bucky said as he looked at the night sky. Shadow smiled for the first time in her life in genuine happiness, "Thank you Bucky." Shadow said looking back up to the sky herself. Bucky nod his head as he began to think about who he is and what his next step in this life will be.

"I think I need to find out who I am. I just don't know where to start." Bucky said as he laid down beside Shadow on the grassy hill. Shadow turned her head to him, "We will find something, i'm sure your information isn't that hard to find. Hydra was good at keeping records, Zola said they know everything." Shadow told Bucky everything that Zola said at the New Jersey Military base. Bucky was listening to ever word she was saying with intensity. He let out a breath after she was finish, "Hydra really did all those things, and we helped them." Bucky said. Shadow nod her head, "Yep." She simply said, "I enjoyed it Bucky. I loved destroying all this towns and cities. Hearing the cries of the people. It's all I know, it's all that I know that make me happy." Shadow confessed. "What will I do now?" Shadow asked more to herself then to Bucky. Bucky turned to face her with a serious look, "Look at me Shadow." Bucky said firmly. Shadow did so automatically, "We will kill no more. We won't destroy anything else from this day forward. We will find our way again. We will find something different that will bring us happiness, killing innocent people is the past ok." Bucky said, "It will be hard, a long road for the both of us. I think together we can take on our past." Bucky finished looking into Shadow beautiful purple eyes. Shadow nod her head, hearing the passion in Bucky speech, "Ok. No more killing innocent people." Shadow said laying back down on her back closing her eyes. "Can I kill people that annoy me?" Shadow asked in complete seriousness. Bucky shook his head, "No" Shadow sigh, "That will be hard to do." Shadow huffed. Bucky smiled a small smile, "Not impossible." Bucky answered back. Shadow and Bucky closed their eyes as sleep started to take over. "Thank you Bucky. Your are a good friend that I don't deserve." Shadow whispered. "I don't think, I can ask for a better friend." Shadow finished as she fell into a light sleep. Bucky opened his eye then smiled before closing it, "Your welcome Shadow." Bucky whispered to her letting sleep take over him. It's been a long day for the both of them. They were out of Hydra hold, but the true test begin with them living in the real world with real people, it would be an adjustment for the both of them and an uphill battle.

Natasha, Steve, and Sam was in the graveyard staring at Nick tombstone. "I got the information that you asked for." Natasha said handing Steve Bucky Hydra file, "I couldn't get Shadow information, Zola took that information to his grave along with Schmidt. Getting this was hard enough I had to really dig." Natasha explained, "I even translated it for you." Steve smiled at her in gratitude, "This is more then enough, Thanks." Steve said. Natasha smiled a back at him, "Are you sure you want to open that world? You may not like what you see."Natasha asked once again. "I think i'll be ok." Steve said as he looked at his best friend file again. Natasha smiled giving Steve one finally kiss, "Call the nurse ok. She seems nice." Natasha said walking away from the two men. "She's not a nurse!" Steve yelled out, causing Sam to chuckle behind him. "Call her!" Natasha yelled back before walking to her car driving away. Sam smiled as he looked down at Bucky folder with all his information as the Winter Soldier, "You don't have to come." Steve said as he looked at Bucky pictures. "I know, when do we start?" Sam asked with a smirk, "We just did." Steve answered back with determination.

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