The Truth

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Shadow, Steve and Bucky made their way to Siberia. Shadow was filled with excitement at the prospect of fighting the super solider that tried to kill her all this yeas ago. "What's going to happen to your friends?" Bucky asked, "I don't know, what ever it is, i'll deal with it." Steve answered heavily. Bucky looked out the window then back to his friend, "I don't think i'm worth all of this Steve." Bucky Stated, Steve looked to him over his shoulder, "What you did all those years, that wasn't you." Steve argued. Shadow was watching the two of them silently, "I know, but I still did it." Bucky said. Steve couldn't argue with that statement, he was beginning to feel resentment to Shadow once again. Shadow look to Bucky, this was the first time where Bucky showed how much his time at Hydra effected him in front of her. Shadow know that Bucky forgave her, she still couldn't help to feel like that a lot of what Steve said about her was true. The group stayed quiet as Steve landed the jet in their destination. 

Shadow walked out feeling the familiar freeze, in a way it was like a comfort blanket. This was her home after Schmidt demise. Shadow was hearing Bucky and Steve talk about some girl from their past that Bucky spend all their money on. Shadow was walking around the area giving them time to talk, Bucky called out to her as she was beginning to disappear in the snow storm. Shadow walked back to them, they entered the elevator that would take them down to the base. Shadow was surprise that the old thing still worked. The door opened and the boys was ready, Shadow was looking around remembering every nook and cranny of this underground base. Bucky and Steve was watching her look around, Steve couldn't help but to think that at this moment, Shadow looked like every ounce of a Hydra solider. Bucky was watching her as well, he didn't get the same feeling that he was sure Shadow was experiencing, this wasn't home to him, it never felt like home to him. This was his prison for as long as he remember before Pierce transported him to the States. Bucky was feeling sorry for Shadow, this was her home, this was all she know. Everything on the outside was new to her, Bucky made a promise to himself, when or how ever he can find a way to get these words out of his head, he will show her the world that is different from this underground hell.

The group heard the door began to squeak open, Shadow knew who it was as she stood behind Bucky and Steve. "You ready?" Steve asked, "Yea" Bucky answered his gun ready for firing. Tony opened the door startled to see weapons pointed at him, his helmet went down as he walked forward to them. Steve was shock to see out of all people Tony, "You seem a little defensive." Tony stated, "It's been a long day." Steve answered back with a small smile. "What are you doing here Tony?" Steve asked. "I guess your story wasn't as farfetched." Tony said, "Ross has no idea i'm here i'd like to keep it that way." Tony said as he looked around, his eyes finding Shadow still behind Bucky who haven't lowered his gun. Shadow eyes were glowing as she looked to Tony waiting for him to make the wrong move. Steve smiled, "It's good to see you Tony." Steve said relaxing finally. "You too Cap." Tony replied back then he looked back to Bucky and Shadow, "Hey, Manchurian Candidates, you're killing me. This is called a truce." Tony said, he hated the feel of Shadow eyes on him and Bucky gun pointed at his head, Steve raised his hand at the two soldiers. Bucky relaxed then he turned to Shadow telling her it was ok, Shadow eyes went back to normal. "What's the deal with this guy?" Tony asked Steve as he looked to Shadow. "SHE, is here to help us Tony." Steve answered with a small laugh. Tony looked to Shadow, "Well that changes everything, how come she isn't part of any bad behavior list?" Tony asked as he swaged towards Bucky and Shadow.

"I don't know, Hydra did a good job at keeping her a buried secret." Steve answered. Tony introduce himself to Shadow, "Hi, my name is Tony, Tony Stark. Want to remove the helmet so I can see your more then beautiful face?" Tony said holding out his hand to her. Shadow eyes turned blue pushing Tony away from her. Steve and Bucky shared a look with one another trying not to laugh, Shadow took the lead to were Zemo was waiting for them. "Come on Tony, Pepper will kill if she found out about this." Steve said helping Tony up. "Yep, I think so too." Tony said. The group made their way to the area where Zemo was taking his place behind the control area. Shadow couldn't only hear one heart beat, "We have heat signatures." Tony said, "How many?" Steve asked. "Just one?" Tony said. Shadow confirmed with the nod of her head, "If it make you feel any better. They died in their sleep." Zemo said behind the control center. Shadow and Bucky looked at the now dead soldiers, "What the hell." Bucky whispered to Shadow. Shadow was pouting, she was looking forward to fighting them, Steve walked over to where Zemo was, "I'm still thankful to them. They brought you all here.Along with a being that I thought was long dead" Zemo said looking to Shadow. Shadow was behind Bucky and Tony leaving Steve to talk with Zemo. "You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Steve asked 

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