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Shadow and Bucky have been wondering Washington for a while now, Bucky was going through what Shadow can only guess was memories flashbacks. Bucky thought it would be a good idea to start writing down his dreams and memories. Bucky also suggested for Shadow to change her wardrobe, Shadow wasn't all that happy that she would have to change her outfit. Bucky ignored her of course and proceeded to go into the store for her new outfit. Shadow was sulking in the nearby alley way with her lips poked out, stomping her left foot, she heard Bucky return with an arm full of clothes. "Here, change into these." Bucky said holding out the fabric. Shadow sneered at them through her helmet, "No, I like what I have now." Shadow said as she shoved Bucky hand back to him. Bucky rolled his eyes at her childish behavior, "Shadow now is not the time, put these on. You can't walk around with Hydra all over you, pride wouldn't mean anything if you lock up, y'no." Bucky said. Shadow looked back at the clothes then sigh, "Ok fine." Shadow agreed. Bucky turned around to keep watch and to give her privacy as she changed out of her normal clothes.

Bucky picked up a plain white shirt, blue jeans and a plain brown jacket for her to wear. The outfit was loose and comfortable, just would take Shadow sometime to get use to. When she was done she looked back at her helmet deciding if she wanted to continue to wear it. Shadow picked it up looking at it, in a way a helmet was always part of her identity, without it she felt naked and like something was missing. Shadow decided to use her powers to make the helmet disappear, to be able to call on it when she need it. Bucky turned around notching that she got quiet. Bucky smiled, "You know, I did pretty good." Bucky said as he took her in. This was the first time he remember seeing her without wearing all black. Shadow looked down to herself and agreed, "It's ok." She simply said giving Bucky a small smile, "How about we check out the museum, I think I can find something there that can help with telling me who I am." Bucky said as he began to make his way to the museum. Shadow followed next to him, she stayed close to him, this was the first time the world see Shadow as just herself without her cover up.

Bucky looked to his friend with a smile, "You ok?" Bucky asked. Shadow shook her head, "No, I feel like i'm to exposed." Shadow answered as people was looking at her. Bucky would admit she did stick out, with her purple hair and eyes but Bucky notice that a lot of people have different color hair in this era. "Trust me, you blend in more then you think." Bucky reassured her. Shadow wasn't so sure, but she will have to deal with it. Bucky and Shadow made it to the museum that hopefully held what Bucky was looking for. "What is this place?" Shadow asked as she looked at tall the little humans walking in and running around in the building. "It's called a museum, it holds historic information from the past." Bucky answered. Shadow didn't know what that meant completely but she could put together pieces. "Ok let's go in." Shadow said walking to the door that everyone else was walking through. Bucky put his hand on her arm, "Hold on, we need tickets before we can enter. We don't have those." Bucky whispered to her. Shadow looked at him then moved her eyes to see how people was getting in, she spotted the small paper that were being taken then torn. Shadow hand glowed blue creating tickets for her and Bucky. "Now can we go in?" Shadow asked holding out two tickets for them to enter. Bucky shook his head, "What would I do without you." Bucky asked taking his ticket as both of them walked to the guard. Shadow and Bucky entered seeing that the place was huge, Shadow was looking around at everything that looked very familiar and some things that was very different from what she remembers.

Bucky and Shadow walked over to the WWII section, where Captain America was their main attraction. Shadow and Bucky read about Steve and the Howling Commandos, Shadow wasn't to interested in the exhibit, she wasn't the biggest fan of Captain America at the moment. Bucky was taking his time exploring the exhibit, he was trying to remember everything about his time in the war. Surprisingly they did have a small memorial for Bucky considering that he was the only one to sacrifice his life. Shadow felt even worse seeing that out of his whole unit he was the only one to parish. Bucky was studying himself for the remainder of their stay, Shadow didn't mind she took a seat on a nearby bench and just people watch. When security told them the place was closed, Bucky and Shadow left without arguments. "Did that help?" Shadow asked Bucky as he became very quiet. Bucky nod his head, "Yes, but I can't help but to feel as if, that person is truly no longer alive. I don't feel like James Barnes, I think i'm more confuse then ever before." Bucky answered as he ran his hand through his hair after removing his hat. Shadow looked at him then smiled, "How about we have some fun." Shadow said grabbing Bucky hand dragging him away from the museum. Bucky got a confuse look on his face, "What do you mean fun?" Bucky asked. Shadow smiled at him, "Do you like flying?" Shadow simply asked.

Bucky looked at his friend with the most uncertain look. "Shadow I don't think this will be fun." Bucky said, Shadow rolled her eyes, a habit that she picked up from Bucky, "Come on, flying always calm me. Plus it is fun to fly." Shadow said with glee. Before Bucky could argue even further Shadow eyes glowed blue lifting both of them into the sky, Bucky felt panic for just a few minutes. Not having control over your body was a strange feeling. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." Shadow said to him, as his heart rate picked up. Bucky began to enjoy himself after a while, Shadow then started to fly to anywhere and no where at the same time. The scenery was beautiful, from up above, it was like the sky was painted in a gold hue with the blues just sticking out. Shadow loved flying, it was like she was in a different world of calm and peace, while below everything was just loud. Bucky was watching everything below him, the buildings began to light up giving the world below a glow that you can't see when you're walking. Bucky relaxed as Shadow pulled then to where ever she wanted to go, he even closed his eyes as he began to think about his past. Shadow was right, flying was relaxing, at least when she's in charge, Bucky felt like he was on floating . Shadow smiled as she heard Bucky heart beat calm its self, Shadow was gliding through the air calmly. It's been a while since she was able to just free fly with out a destination in mind.

Shadow landed them in the mountains where everything was green. Bucky opened his eyes as he feet touched the earth, "Thank you Shadow. That helped a lot, and I feel more lighter." Bucky said. Shadow nod her head, "I knew that it would help." Shadow answered back. The duo looked over the horizon, the mountains was beautiful the view was something they wish they can take a picture of. "Shadow, how would you feel about leaving America?" Bucky asked as he looked at the scenery, Shadow looked to him, "Where would you want to go?" Shadow asked, "I know the that part of the world pretty well." Shadow said with a smirk. Bucky chuckled forgetting that she wasn't from America, "I don't know, pick any place." Bucky answered. Shadow thought about where they could go without to much attention, and without having a lot of technology. Shadow then smiled at Bucky, "How do Romania sound?"

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