Shadow Stubbornness

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While the group was waiting for Bucky to recover, Steve decided to talk with Shadow and hopefully apologize for what he said to her the last time they crossed paths. Steve looked to Shadow who was standing with Bucky watching him with intent. Her helmet was beside her feet as she was staring at this friend, "Shadow can we talk?" Steve asked. Shadow didn't pay him no mind, she ignored him continuing her stare at her friend. Steve let out a sigh, "Listen I wanted to apologize for what I said to you the last time we seen each other." Steve began as he took a seat across from the silent woman, Shadow blinked her eyes still ignoring America Hero. "I know what I said was uncalled for. You thought you were doing something right by bring Bucky to Hydra." Steve said. Sam was listening to the conversation while keeping watch, Sam knew Steve may have understand Shadow a little bit better from what he told him about Wanda and her brother. "I know being with Hydra for as long as you have, you didn't know that what you did wasn't helping. I forgive you for that, at the time I didn't understand. I just found out my best friend was alive the whole time, under Hydra control. I was just angry at myself and I took my anger out on you." Steve said.

Shadow continue to be stubborn, "I met some kids that's just like you. They were with Hydra since their birth. A girl her name is Wanda, she has powers similar to yours. Not the same of course but damn near close." Steve began, "When I met them, their story was so similar to yours, their outlook to life was almost to how i'm guessing yours were at the time. I hope we can start over and become friends." Steve finally finished with a small smile. Shadow finally gave Steve her attention, she turned her head to America hero, "No one in this world is like me. No one in this world is created like how I was. Some kids that's been surrendered by their father will never understand how I am." Shadow sneered back to Steve. "What you said wasn't all the way wrong, I was a fool. I did think what I did to Bucky was helping him become greater and to help Hydra. I don't need your friendship, Bucky friendship is all that matter. His forgiveness is all that matter, i'm only here because of him, and because you are HIS friend. If he wasn't your friend I would've let you die way back then." Shadow spat out to Steve. Steve raised up, "That's why you helped, that's why you killed all those Hydra soldiers? Because of Bucky and I friendship? You're not making any sense." Steve said walking closer to Shadow, Sam rolled his eyes at the kids fighting once again. Shadow didn't care, that was her reason as to why she help Steve back then. "And how do you know Wanda and her brother being abandon by their father?" Steve asked, Shadow then let out a huff of air, "I've been with Hydra all my life, of course I know about the twins. Use your brain sometime." Shadow said looking at the American in the eyes.

Steve felt like he will never understand Shadow and her way of thinking, "Look I don't want to fight with you Shadow, I'm trying to understand you, to get to know you. I want us to least get along, we may never like each other but please at least let us be cordial with one another. Bucky need all of us right now, more then ever." Steve said holding out his hand to Shadow, "I know." Shadow simply said, she look down to Steve hand then back at him, "I think our friend is waking up." Shadow said walking away from Steve. Steve looked after her then put down his hand, "Ok" Steve said.

Right on cue Bucky began to regain consciousness, "Shadow?" Bucky mumbled, Shadow stood beside him, "I'm here." Shadow whispered to him. Bucky finally opened his eyes seeing his friend next to him, then he saw Steve and Sam. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked. Shadow looked to him with annoyance, "Your name is Steve, your mother stuff your shoes with newspaper." Bucky said laughing at the memory. Shadow smirked remembering how Bucky told her about that memory, Steve joined the fun, "Well you can't read that at the museum." Steve said smiling at the memory of his mother. "So that's it we're cool again." Sam asked in disbelif. Bucky looked to Shadow then back to Steve, "What did I do?" he asked everyone in the room. Shadow unlocked Bucky restraints freeing his metal arm. "Enough, you need to tell us who that guy was." Steve commanded, "I don't know." Bucky said as he tried to think if he saw that man before, "Shadow do you know him?" Sam asked, Shadow shook her head, "I've never seen him a day in my life." Shadow answered. Steve let out a huff of air, "That man only needed ten minutes with you and all of this happened, I need more then just you both don't know." Steve said. Shadow glared at him standing up to her full height, her patience was getting very thin with Steve at the moment. Bucky then remembered what the man asked him, "He asked about, Siberia and where I was located." Bucky said then everything clicked with Shadow, as to why the man wanted to get his hands on Bucky. "He wanted to know about the 5 Soldiers." Shadow stated Bucky. Bucky nod his head at her. "Wait what? There's more people like you two?" Sam asked. Bucky began to tell them the story of the five Super Soldiers that Hydra created and the things that those five terrors could do.

Shadow was hoping that the man did wake them up. She couldn't kill them then, because Hydra needed them at the time, now nothing would stop her from giving them their death. "Well, if he is planning on waking them up then we need to beat him there. I need to make a phone call to get our gear back." Steve said. Sam nod his head at him wanting his wings back. Shadow and Bucky looked at the two as they began to asked for a favor from an agent that worked for the C.I.A. Bucky turned his attention to his friend, "I'm sorry." Shadow said. Bucky looked up to her with confusion, "For what?" Bucky asked, "For leaving you there, if I would've known that man would do all of this. I wouldn't have left you." Shadow answered. Bucky smiled at her then he stood up, "No, then he wouldn't used you as well." Bucky said. Shadow still felt bad for leaving again, "I asked you to leave remember, I don't regret asking, I rather this happen to me then to you Shadow." Bucky said pulling her into a friendly hug. Shadow nod her head then gave Bucky a smile, "I still don't like your friend. The other one is pretty cool." Shadow whispered to Bucky. He laughed at her statement, "Steve can be a bit pushy at times, he means well. Just give him a chance." Bucky said with a smile. Shadow rolled her eyes, "No i'm ok" Shadow said with stubbornness. Bucky wasn't surprise, he knew once you crosse her, it would be hard to come back from that. Bucky then heard Steve call for them to leave the building, "Let's go." Bucky said, Shadow grabbed her helmet following him out of the building. "So you like me better then Steve, i'll accept that I guess." Sam said to Shadow. Shadow looked at them man with a smirk, "You're ok, you fly." Shadow simply said. Sam laugh at her simple explanation, Steve rolled his eyes hearing what Sam said, 'I guess I deserve that' Steve thought.

Shadow wasn't impress with the car choice Steve made, "Why out of all cars, did you pick this one." Shadow asked tapping her fingers against her helmet. Bucky wasn't happy either, his legs was being squash thanks to Sam seat, "It's a low profile, come on guys it isn't bad." Steve said to the car, his three passengers all groaned in disagreement. Steve ignored them as he parked behind Sharon. "I'll be back." Steve said to the group exiting out the car. Shadow turned her head looking out the window, Bucky rustled next to her, "Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked glaring at Sam, "No" Sam answered back as he watched Steve and Sharon interaction. Shadow was continuing looking out the window, Bucky moved closer to the middle seat feeling like his leg was about to fall off. Sam cut his eyes hearing Bucky shifting around in the backseat, the passengers see Sharon looking to the car, "You know he tired to kill me right?" Sharon said to Steve looking to Bucky then spotting another person beside him, "Yea, sorry about that. I owe you one again."Steve said sheepishly, "I'm keeping a list. Is that the person that escape." Sharon asked, she tried to get a good look at the person but Shadow was keeping her face behind the drive seat. Steve looked back seeing Shadow, "Yes that's her." Steve answered. Shadow heard everything that the woman was saying, then she heard Steve and the woman heartbeat begin to rise. She moved her head to witness Steve making his move on the woman, Bucky and Sam both smirked at their boy finally becoming a man. Steve looked to the car seeing their looks they were giving him. Sharon smirked at them then finally seeing Shadow face, "Wow, she's pretty." Sharon said. Shadow made eye contact with Sharon, giving her a look, "How good is her hearing?" Sharon asked as Shadow began to glare at her, Bucky nudged her causing Shadow to sit back behind the driver seat hiding her face from the woman. "I think her hearing is amazing along with her powers." Steve answered. Shadow smirked at his explanation, maybe she can forgive Steve after all.

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