Zola End

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Shadow and Bucky returned to Pierce with conformation that their target have been taken care of. Pierce was grateful to have one of his biggest threat eliminated. "Good work, now go until I need you again." Pierce said, dismissing his Solider and Shadow. The duo walked out passing Rumlow and his strike team, Rumlow looked to Shadow and the Solider with a smug look, "Back to your cage you two go." He said causing his followers to laugh. Shadow paused wanting to kill the man, Bucky put his hand on her arm before continuing walking. Shadow followed but keeping a mental note of the disrespectful male. Shadow knew she would have to leave considering the Americans didn't need her anymore, "So you're really leaving?" Bucky quietly asked, Shadow nod her head, Bucky sigh knowing that he wasn't leaving with her. "I have to stay." Bucky said to his friend. Shadow wasn't surprise, she knew deep down he would stay with Hydra, it was her that's been thinking about leaving for a few years, only recently deciding it was time for her to move on. "I understand. If you ever need me just shout out my name, i'll come, like I said, I won't leave you." Shadow said. Bucky looked to his friend with a small barely visible smile, "Good luck out there." Bucky said holding out his hand, Shadow looked at it with confusion, "What is it doing?" Shadow asked grabbing his hand looking over it.

Bucky smiled at his friend, "It's a hand shake, when ever we see each other again." Bucky said grabbing her hand placing it in his shaking it gently. Shadow looked at the action, coping it. "Until next time." Bucky said pulling his arm away. "Until next time." Shadow said nodding her head before teleporting out of the building. Bucky sigh knowing he may never see his friend again, he sat on his bed running his fingers threw his hair, trying do not think about what he don't know about himself.

Shadow teleported back to the European Hydra Base. "Welcome back, I see everything went smoothly. Wasn't too hard I see." The Leader said with a smile happy to have his favorite weapon back. Shadow didn't respond instead she asked a question that's been burning her mind for a while, "Why was I created? What was the purpose of me being here?" Shadow asked. The Leader was baffled at hearing his weapon speak for the very first time. "Excuse me." He said, wanting to know if he was really hearing her speak. Shadow didn't repeat her question just stood there eyeing the man threw her helmet. The Leader cleared his throat, "You were created to help Hydra, to make us become greater." The Leader simply said. Shadow then looked around the base, "What would I get from doing all of this?" Shadow asked. The leader laugh, "What do you get! We created you, we owe you, you are here to make everything better. Didn't Schmidt show that to you already?" The Leader asked standing up facing the weapon. "So you were just using me after all, I always knew that you fools were just using me and everyone else who's lives you ruined." Shadow said as her eyes began to glow. The Leader took a step back, he then pulled out a device that was suppose to stop her when ever she got out of hand, The Leader pressed the button but nothing was happening. The Leader began to panic, "You stop this now!" He yelled, "Guards! come control her at once!" The Leader shouted. Hydra guards came rushing in ready to take control of the Weapon. Shadow  surrounded them in a blue hue causing them to scream before decimating them into oblivion. "I wasn't born human, Zola created me from who know what. This can't be the only reason as to why I exist." Shadow said as she began to destroy the base. The Leader tried to run as fast as he could, but Shadow wasn't allowing him or anyone near to escape quiet as easily. The Leader pleaded for his life fearing of dyeing, Shadow smiled at his plead, "Don't worry, dyeing isn't so horrible." Shadow said before she created a ball of energy then shoving it into his chest, causing him to die a painful death.

Shadow destroyed the whole base causing a big explosion killing everyone in the radius. Shadow flew up in the sky as the building was burning down and exploding, some workers were screaming but Shadow didn't care to stay to make sure any of them survived. Shadow was ready to free from Hydra hold, to explore the world on her own terms. Shadow landed in Greece on one of the many islands, she took off her helmet placing it on the ground then looked around her surroundings. Shadow closed her purple eyes enjoying the breeze that the sea was providing, she knew she had to find out about herself, about why Zola created her and maybe how he created her. Why was she the only being that was created from science to survive, Shadow knew where Zola was being kept during his parasite days. Shadow didn't feel like teleporting instead she took to the skies flying to New Jersey where hopefully Zola was still functioning.

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