Square One

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Shadow was once again flying above watching Sam car that held the Hydra whistleblower. Shadow could hear Sitwell heartbeat, his poor organ was gong to burst with how fast it was beating. Shadow was enjoying listening to his panic, it reminded her of the good days when Hydra sent her out to take out towns and villages. She then heard Bucky heart beat getting close to the car, Shadow looked below her seeing him run then jumping onto of the car pulling Sitwell out and throwing him to the opposing traffic. Shadow laugh to herself seeing Bucky pull his favorite stunt when it came to whistleblowers. Shadow then spotted the rest of Hydra smashing into Sam car causing the group to flee before the car smashed within its self. Shadow landing on a nearby lamppost watching the action happen, she heard Sam asked where she was, of course no one had time to answer seeing that Hydra wasn't giving them anytime breath. Steve was then shoot at by Bucky causing him to land on a city bus. Sam and Natasha had to separate from one another, Bucky was targeting Natasha since she was the bigger threat and part of Shields.

Shadow would admit the woman had moves, she was like her latest target, a very fast thinker and smarter then Bucky anticipated. Bucky then gave out orders to take care of Steve while he take care of Natasha who outsmarted him during the explosion. Bucky was making his way to Natasha with the intent to kill her. Shadow was enjoying watching, she's been with Bucky a few times on missions, but from her view point it was more interesting to watch when someone can match him in strength, speed and smarts. Shadow teleported where Natasha was, her heart was beating fast but calmly at the same time. Who ever trained the red head taught her well, keep calm even when you know you may die. Shadow watched as Natasha outsmarted Bucky once more, coming behind him trying to strangle him. Of course the woman still wasn't a match for Bucky. Natasha was once again running for her life trying to keep Bucky in her sights, Bucky was a natural when it came to sniping, he just knew how to keep out of sight, and still get a clear shot. Shadow knew Natasha was going to die, Shadow was watching, waiting for her death to happen. Of course being America Hero Steve came right on time to take on Bucky himself.

Shadow was enjoying the fight all together, never before have she seen Bucky truly meet his match on a mission. Steve was matching his moves like a well oiled machine, Bucky was quickly becoming irritated with his mission. Bucky was starting to wish he had his friend with him, this mission would've been over, after she had her fun. Steve took that split second of Bucky being distracted to take off his face masked. Shadow was waiting to see how Steve would react to seeing his friend still alive and well, he didn't disappoint. "Bucky?" Steve asked in disbelief, "Who the hell is Bucky?" Bucky asked feeling confuse since a long time ago Shadow said the same thing to him. Bucky then fired at Steve only to miss as Natasha fired his own weapon at him. Bucky ducked out leaving as the smoke cleared. Shadow let out a breath, that wasn't the reunion she was hoping to see, just then the strike force entered the scene forcing everyone on their knees putting them in handcuffs. 

Steve didn't pay attention to what was happening to him. His friend was alive, this whole time, not only was he shock to see Shadow still alive after 70 years but having his best friend still alive and under Hydra control was just to much for his mind to process. What made everything worst, was that Shadow knew the whole time and not once did she save him. Steve began to feel a different type of hate towards Hydra and Shadow. He thought Shadow liked Bucky, and was even dare to say his friend, he would've thought she would help him, bring him back to him. 'How did Bucky survive the fall, why didn't Shadow help' Steve thought as he was put inside the vehicle. Sam and Natasha was watching him, they knew Steve mind was else where and not with them at the present time. "Do anyone want to talk about Shadow now?" Sam asked with a bit of attitude seeing that she wasn't anywhere near them. Natasha just grunt, she was losing to much blood to entertain Sam. Steve finally came through, just for a second, "She is part of Hydra. Their best weapon and solider."Steve answered. Sam looked to the two Hydra goons, "If that's true, then why was she with us? I'm confuse." Sam asked. No one had an answer for him, Sam then notice that Natasha started to sway. "Hey she need a doctor!" Sam yelled, suddenly to everyone surprise one Hydra goon took control by knocking out his partner. Maria took off her helmet surprising everyone on board. "Who's this guy?" She asked. Steve and Sam looked to one another feeling grateful for her help.

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