Meeting Again

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Shadow and Bucky was making quite the life in Romania. So far their lives haven't been to difficult, not much really have happened, Bucky made sure to have them to keep a very low profile. Shadow found herself having to wear hats to hide her hair, Romania wasn't like the major countries were people have different color. Shadow didn't mind, in fact hats looked good on her if she do say so herself. Shadow was enjoying being back in her country, the language was much easier and less complicated. Bucky seem to be enjoying Romania as well, he made small friends with the plum vendor, Shadow learned that plums helped with memories. At least that's what the old woman in their apartment building say. Bucky and Shadow was at one of his favorite plum vendor shopping for more of the fruit, Shadow heard someone heart beat pick up. Shadow looked to the newspaper stand because the man was looking dead at them in fright. Shadow raised her eyebrows at the man seeing this behavior as unusual. Bucky notice the man odd behavior as well, he then walked over to the stand seeing the news paper with his face all over it.

Shadow couldn't believe what she was reading, someone was framing Bucky for the bombing in Vienna. Bucky clenches his jaws reading the headlines, Shadow was on full alert as well. Bucky grab her hand leading her back to their apartment. Shadow heard familiar foot steps walking inside their apartment along with the heartbeat that she now wish she should've stopped a long time ago when she had the chance. Bucky heard the foot steps too as they made their way closer to their apartment, 'It's Steve' Shadow telepathically told Bucky. Bucky nod is head as he went in, the duo spotted Steve looking into Bucky journal that he keep above the fridge. Shadow surrounding the book in the blue hue making it land in her hand, startling Steve. Steve turned around, in surprise to find Shadow with Bucky, he was even more surprise to find her without a helmet on and clad in all black. "Understood." Steve said into his ear piece. Shadow raised an eyebrow as she heard Sam through the ear piece. "Do you know who I am?" Steve asked Bucky, "You're Steve, i've read about you at the museum." Bucky answered, giving him the basic answer. 

Steve turned his attention back to Shadow, this was the first time he ever seen he without her identity being covered. Steve had to admit she was beautiful, "I know you're nervous, you have every reason to be, but you're lying." Steve said to him. Shadow manifested her helmet in her hand putting it on as she heard Sam telling them that German forces was closing in. Shadow was ready for a good fight, it's been a long while since she was in one. Bucky clenched his jaw, seeing that Shadow was in the mode to throw down, Steve was beginning to get antsy as well. Seeing his friend and Shadow, always made Steve feel nostalgic. "I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore." Bucky argued pulling off his glove. "There're entering the building." Sam said, Shadow was smirking to herself, she liked the Sam guy. "People think you did, and they are here now, they are willing to take you dead or alive." Steve said. Shadow rolled her eyes at him, did he not think that they couldn't hear them, especially her, since her hearing was better then both super soldiers. "Smart, good strategy." Bucky said. "You have two minutes." Sam once again warned. Shadow was smiling as she began to sway her body, Steve looked back at her knowing that this wasn't going to end well for the German forces, "This doesn't have to end in a fight" Steve said to her. Shadow of course ignored him, she didn't care she was ready for action. "You pulled me from the river why?" Steve asked Bucky. Bucky gave Steve a look, "I don't know." "Yes, you do." Steve said as Sam counted down for when the German forces began their assault.

The German forces send flash flair into the building, Steve threw back one outside while the other landed next to Bucky feet. Bucky kicked the flair to Steve, who coved it with his shield. Shadow then decided to cover the forces that was outside in her blue hue causing them to scream as the fell off the building. Shadow disappeared, knowing that Bucky and Steve can watch over themselves, they had great teamwork and knew each other well no matter how much time passed. Steve and Bucky watched as Shadow disappeared, "Do you trust her Buck?" Steve asked, Bucky nod his head as the German forces began shooting the apartment. "At least this time she's on our side." Steve said as he began to attack the German forces. Shadow was strangling the German forces outside that wanted to swing inside the building, "Shadow stop killing everyone!" Steve yelled out to her, after telling Bucky the same thing. Shadow once again rolled her eyes at America Hero, this was not her style but she guest she should entertain him. While Bucky was fighting he too almost killed some men by throwing them over the stair railings, Steve took a breath once again, saving the man from falling to his death, "Come on man, what is with you two." Steve stated. Bucky looked at him like he couldn't believe he even wanted to save the fools.

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