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The group met up with the rest of Steve friends. Bucky and Shadow decided to stay back letting their reunion happen. Shadow had her helmet on as she watched everyone interaction, she then heard a man admire Steve and all his greatness. Shadow then notice a young girl looking at her, Shadow turned her head to her then turned her back to the group, Bucky chuckled as the young girl frowned at Shadow behavior. "Play nice." Bucky whispered to Shadow. Shadow nudge him with her shoulder then turned back around, an announcement was being carried through out the hanger. "They are evaluating the airport." Bucky help translate, "Stark?" Hawkeye stated, "Stark" Steve finished, "Everyone suit up." Steve commanded to his underlings. Shadow put her head in her hand, "I can't believe he said that." Shadow said, "This was how he was back during the war?" Shadow asked Bucky. Bucky nod his head, "He always was a leader." Bucky answered. "Um excuse me." Wanda said to Shadow. Shadow turned her head to the young woman, "HI, i'm Wanda, Steve told me that our powers were the same. Or at least almost the same, we can work together during this fight." Wanda said. Shadow then realized that this was the girl that Hydra had since her childhood. "No." Shadow simply said. "She would love to." Bucky answered for her. Shadow turned her head to him in shock, Bucky pushed her towards Wanda, "It would be better for you two to work together. I'm going to be with Sam, you'll be fine." Bucky said with reassurance to Shadow.

Shadow sigh then nod her head to Wanda. Wanda smiled as she began to walk towards the man with the bow and arrow, "Clint this is Shadow, Shadow this is Clint." Wanda introduce. Clint nod his head to her, Shadow returning the gesture. Shadow then turned to Bucky as he and Sam was leaving, Bucky looked back to her feeling her eyes on him. Bucky gave her a smile then disappeared with Sam. Shadow didn't really know how to work as a team, she didn't have to work with others, this was completely new to her and way out of her territory. Shadow, Wanda, and Clint was running towards the jet when a man in a robot suit stopped in front of them, To her surprise the helmet was removed and a man was inside of it, "Hey Clint." The man said, "Hey man." Clint responded back. Tony looked to Shadow, "This was the Hydra weapon that they were talking about?" Tony asked looking at Shadow, Tony then turned his attention to Clint and Wanda. Shadow looked to the robot man eyes glowing ready for someone to make the first move. "You locked me in my room." Wanda said to Tony. "Look it wasn't that serious, it was for your safety." Tony tired to argue, "And I thought you retired?" Tony asked Clint. Clint shrugged his shoulders, "I took up golfing, I just couldn't seem to miss." Clint then aimed his arrow at Tony missing him. Tony then turned back to him, "You missed." Tony said childishly. Clint then smirk, "Made you look." Clint said. Wanda then made cars rain on Tony. Shadow was to busy watching Wanda power in action. Her powers were almost just like her own, it was nice to see someone who shared the same power, Shadow could tell she didn't have control of them. Her powers was calling the shoots not the user, maybe one day Shadow can help her with controlling them.

Tony was buried underneath the cars, Shadow was beginning to wonder why she was even here. This fight seem to be very unnecessary in her opinion, she then heard a loud explosion coming from behind her. She spotted a truck exploding causing the grey robot to crash land, and Natasha and the Black Panther to scatter before they got caught up in the explosion. Shadow couldn't understand what happened, Shadow then heard Bucky and Sam as they fought against a kid that was in a spider suit. Shadow turned to Wanda and Clint, "I'll be back." Shadow said to them, the two nod to her as she disappeared from sight. "She seems interesting." Clint said to Wanda. Wanda nod her head, "I don't think she's use to all of this yet." Wanda said back as she ran to help their friends. Shadow saw Bucky and Sam on the ground with webs restraining them, "Look guys, i'm trying to empress Mr. Stark and i'm sorr-" Peter began to say, he then felt himself being covered in a blue hue along with Sam mini device, "What the- Aaaah!" Peter yelled as he was flung out the window. Bucky and Sam looked to find Shadow hovered above them, "You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked with annoyance, "I hate you." Sam said just as annoyed with him. Shadow tiled her head at the two, "Can you help us out of this mess." Sam asked finding it hard to escape the kids web. "I think I like you both in this angel." Shadow said still hovering above them crossing her legs. "Shadow" Bucky said giving her a look, "Fine." Shadow said cutting the web with her powers. "Let's go meet up with Steve." Sam said running out the hanger, Bucky and Shadow following right behind them.

The group met up with the rest of the squad, "Come on." Steve yelled while the gang gather together, suddenly a beam was striking down in front of them. Shadow looked above them seeing a human? Shadow wasn't for sure what the thing was, it didn't even have a heart beat. "Captain Rogers, I understand that what you are thinking is the right thing to do." Vision said to Steve. Shadow felt that this was the battle that she wanted to be apart of, she began to feel excitement build within her. The opposing team was gathering among themselves, Bucky squeeze her finger with his before focusing on the fight that was coming. Shadow wanted to take on who ever was in her way, T'Challa made his way to Bucky while Shadow decided to just give back up. Shadow spotted Steve fighting Spiderkid, she used her power to collapse the the walking ramp on the kid. Peter groaned as the ramp began to can over him, he was seeing a blue hue around it causing it to crash on him. Steve looked to Shadow in surprise that she was giving him back up, Steve then aimed his shield on a weak point on the ramp causing the whole thing to trap Spiderkid. Steve gave Shadow a thanks nod. Shadow gave him a nod back, as she went back to help where she can.

Shadow was working on keeping the giant from getting attack, when she spotted the human thing fly right through him, "Something just flew in me!" Scott said freaking out. Shadow flew behind him as he was aiming to Steve and Bucky, Shadow used her powers to stop the tower from falling on them. Steve and Bucky looked back to her seeing her keeping their path cleared, Rhode see Shadow then used his supersonic to distract her. Shadow was thankful for her helmet, the sound wasn't that bad but it did cause her to lose focus, the tower began to fall making Bucky and Steve to run and dodge the destruction. Shadow looked to Rhode with anger, he would have to wait for now Bucky safety was her main worry. Shadow teleported to where Steve and Bucky was standing, she was happy to find them both ok. Bucky looked to her smiling, happy that she was ok, Shadow nod her head, knowing that he couldn't see her face. Natasha allowed them to take the jet out of here, causing the prince to look at her in disappointment. Steve took control of the jet, Shadow was noticing that the grey robot was trying to catch them, Sam was trying his best to keep him off their tail but the robot had to much of an advantage on him. Shadow eyes turned blue, she then formed a blue ball to strike the grey robot when a familiar beam took him out instead. Shadow smiled as the robot began to decent, Shadow was only upset she wasn't fast enough to take him down herself after what he did to her. Steve saw that Rhode was hit and was falling, he couldn't do anything about that at the moment, right now he had five soldiers to stop from being awaken and to get his best friend away from Tony as far as possible.

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