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*You have a new message*

A notification popped in Chanyeol's phone in midnight "Who would send me a message this late. Maybe spam." he said then get back to sleep.

*You have 2 new messages*

"Aishh. What The HELL!!" He said then quickly opened his phone at full brightness, "WTF!" He cursed then lowered the brightness down.

     "Hi, I'm Baekhyun. Nice to meet you."

     "Hey answer me! Don't you use this app to find a friend?!"

     "Do you know that it I'm already sleeping!? How dare you interrupt my sleep!

     "Sorry, Daddy. 😉"

     "Bitch don't call me daddy! You're not my son. And what's with that winky emoji!? Never ever message me or I'll block you!

    "Okay daddy 😉."

*Baeky291 is now offline*

"That stupid kid. How dare him interrupt my sleep!?" he asked himself angrily as he get back down the sheets and continued his sleep.

*We Got That POWER POWER* The alarm ringed loudly that startled Chanyeol up, "Shit! I'm still sleepy. I will kill that kid because of messaging late at night." He said then hurried to the shower to get ready for his work.

He got to his office then started working. Chanyeol is a workaholic so no wonder he already get ready for work once he woke up. Then a friend of him went to his station, "Hi Chanyeol. How are you?" Kyungsoo asked curiously.

"Oh. Hi Kyungie, I'm doing fine. You?" he replied back then blushed a bit.

"I'm fine if you're fine." Kyungsoo said then winked. Chanyeol's face became very red like a tomato when Kyungsoo winked at him 'Bitch don't' he said to himself trying not to curse.

"You should go back to your work station Jongin is probably watching us." Chanyeol warned Kyungsoo that winked again when he turned his back to Chanyeol then waved.

Kyungsoo is Chanyeol's crush since he got here but Jongin don't like seeing Kyungsoo with other man because he is so possessive af.

"The work is finished. Aren't you going home?" Chanyeol asked Kyungsoo who is still working, "You should go home now. Jongin said that I need to stay late because..." Kyungsoo's explanation is cut by Jongin's loud shout saying "Kyungsoo! GO BACK TO WORK! And You Chanyeol? Your shift is already done. GO HOME ALREADY!".

"Bye Kyungsoo. Sorry I can't argue with our boss because I will probably get fired. Sorry, and Goodbye." He said then waved to Kyungsoo sadly, then a faint goodbye is replied by Kyungsoo.

After Chanyeol got home, a notification popped again:

*You have 3 new messages*

"I bet it's that stupid boy again."

     "Hi, Daddy. 🙂"

     "Please reply, I just needed a friend. 😔"

     "Ok, I should probably stop messaging you. Bye ChanChan88. Sorry for annoying you."

Then a three dots appeared the disappeared again meaning he was about to message something but didn't do it.

*Baeky291 Left The Chat*

"Finally that kid left. That means I don't need to block him anymore. But why do I feel guilt? Sadness?" he asked himself like he did something wrong.


Just Clarified it for a bit. This is dirty as hell lmao.


안녕 ♥.

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