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Baekhyun was awaken by someone tapping his shoulders. He is so tired at the moment so he continued to sleep.

"Baekhyun~" A deep voice called.

"Hmmph~" Baekhyun let out a soft murmur.

"We're here." A deep voice said again.

"Who-re you?" Baekhyun said in a tired manner.

"Whore me? No I'm not!" Chanyeol was entertained by Baekhyun's cuteness.

Baekhyun was finally back to his senses blushing afterwards, "I'm sorry for the stupid things I said!" He said in a very shocked tone.

"It's cute." Chanyeol smirked.

Baekhyun was now more embarrassed, deep red blush crept to his face.

"Let me repeat. We're already here silly." Chanyeol said.

"Oh really? Let's go!" Baekhyun beamed.

Chanyeol already went to open the locked door while Baekhyun was at the car staring at the very attractive boy at the back. "Sehunnie! We're here!" Baekhyun then tapped the latter's broad shoulders.

Sehun was fast awake and was so shocked to see Baekhyun. "Oh Baek!" The boy exclaimed tears streamed down his face.

"Shh. Sehun I'm okay!" Baekhyun said and hugged the boy.

"I was so worried Baekhyunnie! I thought something bad happened." Sehun cried.

"Shh! Let's go now. At least I'm safe now." Baekhyun assured then pulled the boy out of the car.

Sehun let himself be dragged by Baekhyun's beautiful hands. He just stared at the beautiful boy that is pulling him, it's like everything is slow motion.

"Sehunnie! Are you okay?" Baekhyun said then waved his hands in front of Sehun's face.

"Oh I-I'm okay." Sehun's said flustered.

The two entered the house. It's not small nor big. But something is different in it. It's warm and cozy. The thing his big house doesn't have. Smile crept on Baekhyun's face while gazing through the inside of the house.

"You okay Baek?" Sehun asked.

"Yes! It's just your house is beautiful!" Baekhyun stated.

"Even though our house was not as big and beautiful as yours, we call this house our home." Sehun commented.

"Sehunnie, Baekhyun-ah let's eat!" Chanyeol called us from the kitchen.

The two went to the kitchen and saw food ready for them to eat.

"How do you prepared this food  that fast hyung?" Sehun was shocked because of the many dishes in front of him.

"How?" Baekhyun was lost in words when he saw delicious dishes in front of him.

"Oh I didn't informed you two. I brought this when you're both asleep. I stopped by to a nearby shop Kyungsoo recommended to me." Chanyeol explained with smile on his face.

"I can see your admiration to him Chanyeol." Baekhyun said while smiling but there is something bugging him. He just let it slide.

"Yes I do. He's the best. He can cook delicious food, can sing beautifully and takes good care of me! That's why he is so special to me!" Chanyeol said while his eyes sparkling.

"I'm jealous. I wish I also have someone like that. Oh I do have someone! Sehunnie! He takes care of me and keeps me safe! Even though I don't know him fully yet." Baekhyun said while looking at the boy beside him that blushed.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now