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After the scenario at the rooftop, the two didn't had any conversations after because of awkwardness. They went to their room and sat to their seats. The others are tagged to their boyfriends while Sehun and Baekhyun awkwardly walks side by side.

"Okay so class let me just announce something. You will be paired with someone here in this room to do the project. You can team up with other pairs to make it easier. So let's start."

The Teacher announced the pairs and they felt somewhat uncomfortable with it.

"The first pair will be Tao and Chen."

"How I badly wish that our boyfriends can be paired with us but sadly they are a level higher than us." Tao pouted.

"Yeah right. Lucky for Suho and Lay hyung they had a chance to be paired with each other." Chen sighed.

"The next pair will be Taehyung and Jungkook." (Surprise surprise a cameo for the TaeKook or VKook Ship!)

The teacher announced and they are bored now because it takes too long for him to announce all of them. And finally the teacher announced the last pair.

"The last pair will be Sehun and Baekhyun. That will be our pairs. We should proceed to our lessons now. After this lesson you will know what our Pair Project will be." Mr. Hoon said then proceeded to his lessons.

The lesson is a little bit fun so the students are all listening the subject is about to finish and Mr. Hoon finally announced their Project.

"So Guys since our subject is all about Science, you will be filming a short film about our Planet's degrading resources and how to resolve it. You can group up with other pairs to make it easier. But all of you should and will be seen on the short film. That's all goodbye." Mr. Hoon said and went out of the room.

"Aish! Another film." Chen exclaimed.

"Hey SeBaek!" Tao called.

"S-seBaek?" Baekhyun stammered and blushed.

"Yeah Sehun and Baekhyun ship name!" Chen enthusiastically said.

"S-ship name?!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

"Yeah! You too are cute together so we decided to ship you two." Tao squealed like a little girl.

"It's cute." Sehun chuckled and added, "Isn't it?" Then looked at Baekhyun. The two had an eye contact but Baekhyun immediately looks away very flushed.

"So cute." Sehun mumbled.


The class ended and they immediately went to the cafe where they usually hang out after class.

"How is your day Baekhyun?" Xiumin asked.

"Let me rephrase. How is your day with Sehun?" Lay teased.

"Y-yah! Please stop it! We are getting awkward to each other because of the teasing. I can't talk to Sehun because I feel so awkward and sometimes I can't take it anymore when I can't talk to my best friend." Baekhyun sadly said.

"Ah... So you do like him huh?" Suho said.

"L-like?" Baekhyun asked.

"Aish! Baekhyun why are you so innocent? Or are you playing dumb?" Kris said.

"I don't know what to feel okay?" Baekhyun answered.

"Oh the in denial stage. Don't worry you'll get through it." Xiumin said.

After that, Sehun entered the cafe and looked for them. While trying to search for them, Baekhyun is looking at him and he turned his head looking towards Baekhyun.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now