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Baekhyun hurriedly went downstairs and finished his food. The others are still sat at the dining table talking to each other.

"Baekhyun, what took you so long?" Kyungsoo worriedly asked.

"Ah I'm a little sick that's why. I went to the bathroom and stayed there to examine myself." Baekhyun lied.

"You're sick? After this, drink medicines okay?" Sehun butted in.

"Don't worry Sehunnie! And thank your Kyungie for worrying!" Baekhyun said and smiled.

"No need to say thank you! We are friends already." Kyungsoo replied.

"So that means new friends for me!" Baekhyun laughed and then continued eating.

Moments later, Chanyeol went down and sat to his seat beside Kyungsoo and looked worriedly towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun also finished eating and so is the others.

"Guys, just leave the dishes there! Our maids will do it." Baekhyun said.

Suho went to The Head Maid and apologized for being a burden but the maid smiled to him and tapped his shoulders.

Suho went back and the others are already at the living room and is about to start a new movie. They decided to watch a horror movie because it's already night. The movie they picked is Annabelle The Creation. The 10 Guys immediately sat down the couch and the floor.

The movie started out very calm and peaceful so no one really shouts and is scared at the moment but chills started haunting them when it went in the middle and near the climax.

"Oh shoot!" Tao exclaimed and hid behind Kris.

"Shh, it's just a movie! There are other people on that set!" Kris shushed and comforted Tao because he knew how scared Tao is at horror movies or ghosts in general.

A jumpscare came in and Baekhyun let out a cute but loud squeal like a puppy. Everyone look to Baekhyun and laughed.

"Why? It's just that I get shocked!" Baekhyun pouted.

"Hey, we know! Sit down already." Sehun said while chuckling.

"Even you?" Baekhyun pouted again.

"Don't mind it! It's because you let out a puppy-like cute squeal." Sehun said to comfort Baekhyun.

"Oh…" Baekhyun said then blushed.

Chanyeol in the other hand saw Sehun and Baekhyun yet again. Chanyeol doesn't know what to feel anymore. He just wished that this weird feelings he felt just now will fade away.

The movie is finished and the others are already sleeping. Baekhyun woke them up and said that they should move to the guest rooms.

"Guys wake up! If you want to sleep, we have some guest rooms. But in order for you guys to fit, you're couples right?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes we are and what's with us being a couple?" Chen asked.

"You know, share a bed." Baekhyun said while yawning.

"Oh…" Xiumin said and blushed.

"Why Xiuxiu? We will just sleep in one bed! Nothing will happen to you." Chen said and smirked.

"Yah! What are you doing stop it!" Xiumin said a little loud and blushed like a tomato.

"You all are okay with that right?" Baekhyun asked again.

"Yes we are okay with that. And Baekhyun, thank you for treating us. We don't know how we will repay you." Suho said while looking at the floor.

"No need to hyung! This is my first time having friends to treat, because you know, I don't have a friend back then." Baekhyun said and looked down embarrassed of the fact that he is a loner back then.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now