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After Sehun left, Baekhyun was then again left alone in the big house he stayed in. He still remember what Sehun did like saving him from those bullies and accompanying him to his house. Baekhyun is still not used to this kind of treatment so he just blushed thinking of the handsome gentleman that saved him earlier.

'What do I do?' Baekhyun said to himself while walking in circles trying to think of something to do.

He finally had an idea

'I'll just open my Flamino account'

When Baekhyun opened his Flamino, account he saw Chanyeol messaged him like crazy.

     "Why did Sehun said he saved you?"

     "Why don't you said it to me?"

     "Why didn't you reported it to the principal?"

     "Since when did they started bullying you?"

     "ANSWER ME!"

     "How am I going to answer your questions if you keep on adding more? Let's just thank that your brother was there to save me. And why do you care? You have your boyfriend to take care of. Don't mind me. I'm okay. "

     "I care because you're my friend stupid. Why don't you want someone to care for you? Oh is it because of Sehun? Now I know…"

     "Why are you dragging Sehun in this? And are you jealous? Sehun can save me because he is always nearby but you can't because… I don't know.

     "Do you know why I can't save you? Because you always keep it to yourself, you didn't even said a thing about it to me how am I supposed to save you?"

    "Why will I say it to you? If I said so, will you come to save me if I did? NO!"

Baekhyun started to cry.

     "Ok. I will just let you be saved by Sehun… Don't tell me everything… Let Sehun do all the job. But don't tell me if you are in danger. Now I won't care. Damnit why am I feeling this to you?"

*ChanChan88 is now offline*

     "Hey! Wait!"

     "I'm sorry."

*Message not sent.*

Baekhyun waited and waited but Chanyeol didn't replied back.

"I'll just sleep it off I guess." Baekhyun tried to sleep but he can't.

The words Chanyeol said keeps on repeating in his mind "Baekhyun you really are so stupid!" He started to ruffle his hair and decided to go to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror and he looks like hell. The redness of his eyes because of crying and his ruffled hair. He just decided to take a bath.

While bathing he feels like crying more because no one will ever hear him sob or cry. Everything he can feel is just the water rushing down to his body.

After he finished bathing he went to his bed and tried to sleep.


Baekhyun looked like a complete mess going to school he wore his hoodie and put his earphones on.

"It feels so comfortable like this." He hummed the songs on shuffle while walking to school.

He didn't heard someone called him until that guy tapped his shoulder.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now