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°°Sehun's POV°°
     'Where is he?' Sehun asked himself very concerned about Baekhyun.

     I walked every streets, alleys, and roads but I can't find him anywhere. When I saw a bench, I sat on it thinking of what to do. 'Aish! Why did he ran away?' Sehun asked himself again and started blaming himself for what happened to Baekhyun.

     'What will I do if he got into an accident? I'll probably kill myself.' Sehun said and started crying softly.

°°Chanyeol's POV°°

     Guilt is eating me right now. I can't stop blaming myself to what happened to Baekhyun. I can't focus on the road because I kept on thinking that something bad will happen to Baekhyun.

     I came back to the school's front door and parked just in front of it. Then I started searching for Baekhyun when I suddenly heard someone crying.

     I went to where the sound is coming from and I saw Sehun crying. I approached him and patted his back.

     "Hey what's wrong Sese?" I asked in a very concerned voice.

     "I can't find Baekhyun, hyung. What if something wrong happen to him? What if he was h-"

     "Don't think such things Sehun. He will be fine. Ok I'll find him so stop crying now. You can sit here or you can go inside our car in front of your school's gate." I said cutting what Sehun is about to say because I can't take it anymore.

     I started running everywhere until I heard a group of boys shouting to certain boy.

°°Baekhyun's POV°°

     When I was about to get out of this dark alley way, a group of boys started circling me.

     "Well, well, well now what is this stupid boy doing here alone?" The Bully in their school said scaring Baekhyun to death.

     'I wish Sehun will come and save me again! I can't save myself from this guys.'

     Then I felt a very painful stinging feeling in my stomach and it is because of the leaders feet. Then he boys started approaching me wanting to get revenge.

     I yelped loudly and tears started to stroll down my eyes.

°°Third Person's POV°°

     "HEY!" Chanyeol growled that caught the attention of the boys.

     "Now who's this prick right here?" The leader silently said sounding very angry.

     Baekhyun saw who is the person then faintly said "Help!" before fainting.

     Seeing Baekhyun faint with tears and blood in his face burned Chanyeol with fury.

     Chanyeol punched everyone heading to him making sure that it leaves a violet marks in their eyes. Chanyeol beaten everyone up without him being hurt.

     "Is that all you've got? GET LOST IF YOU EVER TOUCHED THIS BOY AGAIN, I'LL MAKE SURE NOBODY FROM YOUR GROUP WILL LIVE THEIR LIVES!" Chanyeol growled that scared the shit out of boys.

     Then Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun waking him up lightly then wiping all the tears and blood in his face with his handkerchief. Tears started to blur Chanyeol's vision.

     "I'm sorry Baekhyun. I didn't mean to." Chanyeol said while sobbing uncontrollably.

     "Hey Giant shh stop crying." Baekhyun said trying to stop Chanyeol from crying and patted his back.

     "I'm r-really sorry Baekhyun! I can't stop blaming myself for what happened to you right now." Chanyeol said slightly calmed down now.

     "I'm *cough* okay. By the way thank you for saving me. And that night, I don't really mean to say those things. I should be the one apologizing to you. I'm sorry for saying nonsense to you, I don't mean it."

     "So… are we okay now?" Asked Chanyeol finally calmed down and stopped sobbing now.

     "I guess so. No! Yes we are alright now!" Baekhyun beamed happily.

     "We should probably go now Sehun is so worried about you." Chanyeol said.

     "Really!? We should hurry now." Baekhyun answered.

      The two went back to the bench where Sehun was seated and he was not there.

      "He's already in the car I guess."

      They went to the place where the car is parked. There, the two saw Sehun sleeping peacefully with dried tears in his face.

     "I hate seeing Sehun like this." Chanyeol said sounding like a very concerned hyung.

     "Me too. I know we just saw each other not so long but I felt so attached to him already like we know each other for a long time. And he's the first friend I had since I started going to school." Baekhyun said sounding very sad and at the same time very relieved.

     "Seeing you very happy like this makes me happy too." Chanyeol said.

     "O-oh okay!" Baekhyun squealed then blushed.

     Chanyeol smirked at the scene then asked "Do you want to come to our house?"

     "Okay?" Baekhyun said.

     "Hop in you can sit at the back or at the front." Chanyeol said.

     Then Baekhyun sat in the front seat and buckled his seat belt. As time passes, sleep started to creep him.


Hi guys I'm back from the grave lol thanks for reading my shitty fanfic and thank you. I really can't think of words to say rn so yeah.


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