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--A.N. This is purely SeBaek or BaekHun chapter LMAO next time I will write ChanBaek chapter. I'm sorry.--

••Baekhyun's POV••

Everything is turning out good in the past few months. My days at school finally gets happier because of Sehun and I finally had some friends. They're Xiumin and his boyfriend Chen,  Tao, yes Tao and his boyfriend Kris and lastly, Suho and Lay which is also a couple.

We had been friends for the past few months until now. And I finally decided to stop using Flamino for a while because what's the use if I had real friends now?

••End of POV••

"Oh shoot it's nearing time!" Baekhyun said when he glanced at the time. He hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash and hurriedly ate his breakfast and trying not to choke from it.

He went out of their house and walked to their school. It's not far from their house that's why he always walk. Soon, he was accompanied by his friends and they all went to their rooms.

"Are you all late too?" Baekhyun asked them.

"Kinda?" Lay and Suho said in unison and Lay immediately wrapped his arms around Suho's waist.

"Please stop it! I don't want to see lovey dovey couples in front of me right now." Baekhyun said then covered his eyes.

"What do you mean like this?" Chen said then hugged Xiumin and you can see the cute boy's cheeks light up in color red.

"Yah!" Baekhyun exclaimed then covered his eyes again.

"Or do you mean like this?" Kris said then kissed Tao in the cheeks. Tao in the other hand, became so wobbly like a pasta.

"Yah! I'm jealous." Baekhyun said then looked down.

"What do you mean? You have me!" Sehun batted in.

"W-w-what?" Baekhyun stammered and blushed.

"Look who's stuttering." Xiumin teased.

"Stop it! You all! And specially you Sehun!" Baekhyun squealed and ran cutely to their room.

"He is cute right Sehun?" Suho asked like a mother teasing his child.

"Yes he is hyung." Sehun said then blushed and hurriedly ran to his seat beside Baekhyun.

"You okay Baekhyunnie?" Sehun asked concerned.

"I'm okay! Gosh you scared me!" Baekhyun said shocked because Sehun popped out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry for scaring you Baekhyunnie!" Sehun cutely said and pouted.

"Sehun stop it! It doesn't suit you." Baekhyun teased.

"Oh really?" Sehun again tried to act cute.

"Yes you do!" Baekhyun somewhat loudly said.

"Oh, I should stop." Sehun immediately cutted his act. Baekhyun looked at Sehun who became gloomy.

"Yah! I'm just kidding! You're cute!" Baekhyun said with his sorry tone.

"Really?" Sehun almost jumped out to do another aegyo.

"Stop it Sehunnie I'm fine." Baekhyun assured.

"Okay! Our teacher is coming." Sehun whispered and Baekhyun nodded.


"You can take your break now." The teacher said.

"Finally!" Sehun said while yawning slightly.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now