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The weekend Baekhyun had at Chanyeol's house was the best. He never felt that kind of warmth whenever he is at their house. Just like what Baekhyun said, their house was probably more bigger but the thing his house never had is that feeling of being home and the comfortable warmth it gives.

"I wish that someday our house will feel like a home and not just a big house." Baekhyun whispered through the air while walking to school.

Baekhyun stopped to a Coffee Shop to buy his coffee. He was in a hurry earlier today because he woke up late.

"One Iced American please!" He said cheerfully to the boy in the counter.

"You can wait there sir while we prepare your drink. Thank you!" The boy cheerfully replied.

Baekhyun loved the ambiance inside the Coffee Shop because he can smell the relaxing scent of newly ground coffee beans. And looking outside the glass wall, you can see people casually passing by.

His name was called signalling that his order is ready, "Here is your Iced Americano sir! Have a good day!" The boy in the counter beamed with happiness.

"Thank you very much!" Baekhyun replied and waved cutely to the boy at the counter. The Boy blushed and waved a little too.

Baekhyun was now walking to school while drinking his coffee. He is not wearing the usual clothes he wears but instead, he wore a cream colored sweater that complimented his beautiful white skin and jeans. Just a very simple but is quite elegant.

He is near the school when someone greeted him, "Baekhyunnie!" The boy said or somewhat squealed. Baekhyun already knew who it was, "Sehunnie! How's your day?" Baekhyun asked.

"My day is just about to start. But I noticed something… you look glowing Baek!" Sehun exclaimed a little.

"Just changed my outfit for a bit because I felt like wearing it. I don't know." Baekhyun blushed a little.

"Oh you look staggering in that outfit Baek!" Sehun added.

"Don't flatter me too much. I might turn into a tomato right here." Baekhyun joked while hiding in his cute small hands.

"Do you know you're so cute Baekhyun?" Sehun said in a very serious manner that didn't helped either.

"Oh Sehun! Stop it! I might really turn into a tomato right here!" Baekhyun squealed and cutely waddled through the entrance. Sehun just stared at the very cute boy in his front and lightly chuckled.

Just then, someone tapped Sehun's shoulder that distracted him. "Sehunnie!" The girl squealed like you know a girl.

"What is it?" Sehun answered in a somewhat cold voice but wasn't noticed by the girl.

"Please accept this. And can we meet at the rooftop during the break time?" The girl asked.

When he was about to answer, he saw Baekhyun waiting for him at the other side of the gate, sadness and somewhat dissapointment plastered from his then happy and cheerful face.

Sehun does not want to be rude or anything but he left the girl dumbstruck and swiftly walk past through the sea of people to get to Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun!" Sehun called.

"What is it Sehun?" Baekhyun said sounding somewhat sad but hides it with a smile a forced one.

"Baekhyun-ah…" Sehun said in a serious tone but sounds a little bit down.

"What is it!? You kept on calling my name!" Baekhyun said a little loud.

Sehun just stood there, looking downwards. He can't seem to find the proper words to say to the boy. Baekhyun realized that he is not hearing footsteps beside him. That's when he turned around and saw Sehun standing there at the other side of the hallway looking downwards.

Friend [ChanBaek] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now