Chapter 1: Reunion

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Alma's POV

      I land and transformed into my human form on the ship deck. I don't know why but my Ymbryne instincts tells me that all of my children are at the captain's headquarters. I hurried myself to the place.

Passing the hallways, rushing down the stairwell; I find this ship is very spacious.

I remember when Emma and I were finding a house for my loop back at Cairnholm, we happened to heard the news about a steam ship got torpedoed by the Germans and sunk in the ocean.

I'm assuming this must be it. The R.M.S Augusta.

Anyway, I'm hoping to atleast bump into one of my wards. I miss them so much and they must be too.

I passed the grand dining hall and manged to get a glimpse of it. The room are filled with human skeletons sitting peacefully at their dining table as if nothing really happened.

It was such a strange and eerie sight seeing them like that. It took 18 hours for the ship to sunk.

Why didn't they just get out from the ship when they still got the chance? Why do let their precious soul to leave their body just like that?

Yes. To us, Ymbrynes, souls are very precious no matter if it's animals, common parlance, peculiars nor plants. We were taught to take care and cherish it very well.

Thank the birds I am not afraid on seeing the skeletons or fainting.

To be frank, we were taught by Miss Avocet and Miss Bunting back at the Academy to be brave in facing any situation no matter how frightening and grave the situation are.

I know these skeletons wouldn't scare my older wards especially Enoch. But I am more concerned about my little ones, The Twins and Claire.

I walk until I came face-to-face with a tall rusty door.

I open it and instantly 12 faces inside this room were focused on me. They stood at their place frozen as if I'm a ghost in their eyes. Some even had their mouth gaping open. Quite atmostphere surrounds us for 2 minutes and 40 seconds before Claire burst the silence bubble.

''Miss Peregrine!!" Claire rush to me and give me a bone crushing hug. I was quite startled because of the sudden reaction.

I looked down to see Claire is sobbing. It is hurt to see my little princess crying because of me. I brush Claire's golden hair careful not to accidentally touching her back mouth.

''Shh. Its okay I'm here now and I am not going anywhere." I soothed her. It seems hearing my voice has calmed Claire down because she stopped crying and only hugging me.

A minute or two the other children join us. Our little hug becomes a big family hug. All of them are crying and sobbing hysterically.

I may can't see Millard but I know he is crying due to his wet stained collar. Visible tears stain can be seen on both of the Twins' masks. Even the grumpy ol' Enoch is also crying.

How I wish to freeze the time so that we can stay in this embrace forever. But I know I can't be cruel to my children.


''You won't believe what happened to us Miss!" Bronwyn exclaimed excitedly.

''We beat all of the Hollows at the amusement park!" Hugh said while doing a punching motion.

''Yeah it was all due to my peculiarity that we were able to defeat 'em." Enoch said emphasising the word 'my'.

''Enoch. Polite persons do not pride over their peculiarity" I said to him while giving my 'I do mean my word' look. He just shrugged and look outside the window.

I told The Twins how polite persons do not turn their enemies into stones after Claire had told me about their fight with the wights in The Blackpool Tower.

Considering that Miss Edwards should be turned into one as she was harming my children with knives.

Emma told me about how they defeated Barron. I was quite amazed to hear how good was Barron when he tried to potrayed as Jake. But little do Barron knew that Jake wasn't ordinary.

''LAND HO!"Fiona's booming voice stopped our conversations. I looked outside and saw an island. I smiled. This is where our journey ended.

Heeeeeeyyyyyy.....Don't worry this is not the end. The journey still continued. Thank you so much for waiting me updating chapter 1. The next chapter will be posted on well.....i don't have an update schedule 😂😂😂😂. i really have no idea when Chapter 2 will be posted since my brain is currently clogged after writing this chapter. i do hope you guys will be patiently waiting for it. So how was my first attempt on writing Miss P's POV? i do hope it turned out being well. i tried my best on potraying her.

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