Chapter 8: Getting used to a new enviroment (part 1)

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Warning: self-abuse and curse words

Alma's POV

The journey back to Chausey are filled with silence since Audrey didn't know what she wanted to discuss with me. She reminds me of Abe when I took him for a train ride to our old loop.

Audrey ask me yesterday if she could brought back some books from the Council's library. I said to her she should ask Bunting's permission and Bunting let her. Well I'm grateful to Bunting that she lets Audrey to stay with me at my loop.

I wonder how's my children doing. I hope they'll love and accept Audrey as our new family member. Audrey is a very quite girl. Now she's just focusing on her book, Tales of Peculiar. I bet Millard might be happy if he saw his book at The Council.

"Miss?" Audrey's voice caught my attention.

"Yes Audrey?"

"Is Miss Wren's loop is in Cuthbert's body? Since she told me that her peculiar animals loop is there."

"Yes dear. But Cuthbert will never be mad at her for making a loop inside of him since he really wanted companies." I replied to Audrey. Seeing Audrey asking questions to me felt like it was Emma when I first rescued her back from the circus.

Speaking of Balenciaga. She went back to her Menagrie loop bringing back all of her wards.

Cockatoo. I don't know what to say. She's doing well but was still quite traumatised. She decided to stay at The Council just like Bunting.

"Miss we're here." Audrey's voice once again cut me out from my think over.

"Thank you for waking me up Audrey. Let's go."

"Do you want me to bring your luggage?" I offered to Audrey knowing her back still hurt.

"No-No. It's okay Miss I can carry it myself." Her luggage contains healing ointment, books and some gifts she got from Bunting, Balenciaga and Jasmine. Though she declined the gifts first, but they insinsted Audrey on taking it.

We walked around the main town. Every townspeople seemed to stare at me and Audrey maybe because I hardly gone out from the island and brought back a person with me.

"Miss Alma is that you?" A familiar voice said. I turn and look. It's the mayor himself.

"Good afternoon to you Monsieur Albert." I simply said back to him.

"Who is this mademoiselle?" Mister Albert shift his head to Audrey. Audrey flinch back a little when the mayor walks close to her.

"Ah yes. This is Audrey. Audrey meet Monsieur Albert he's the mayor of this town." I reply quickly.

"It's- It's a pleasure to meet you." Audrey hold her hand out. I can see she's trembling in fear.

Mister Albert kissed her hand. "I welcome you to Chausey Miss Audrey."

Audrey gave Mister Albert a smile and nod her head.

"It's nice talking to you ladies but I'm afraid I have an important business right now. Au revoir." With that he quickly walks to his office building.

"Audrey? You okay?" I ask a still Audrey.

She give me a nod but I can see through her face fear overwhelming her.

"You don't have to force yourself."

She shakes her head. "I can't do that. Father said to me I have to greet people even I like it or not." We start walking at the path through the woods to my house.

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