Chapter 6: The rescuing

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A/N: This chapter contains voilence in it and mental breakdown. Also some spoilers?


Balenciaga's POV

      I look outside the window and sigh. I wonder when will Alma come back. I'm bored I don't know what to do. All of my wards are here at the council.

Well not exactly all of them. Some are outside at the carnival volunteering as circus performers while keeping an eye on any passing ymbrynes or peculiars.

My peculiar animals are still safe at my other loop. I wonder how's Adisson and Dierdre are doing.

I hope they're handling the loop wisely.

I get out from my room and starts walking down the hallways. I imagined the time when I was playing tag with Alma and my friends before our ymbryne training starts back at The Academy.

I close my eyes and tried to imagine it. The sound of our laughter fillled the hallway. The sound of our running footsteps. The way we shuffled our dress.

Me and Alma always be the last two remaining survivor from Justin the it. Miss Avocet will sometimes scold us. Saying that polite persons do not run in hallways and bumps into people. Memories. It all came back.

As I was passing the main front door, I heard a loud thump coming from outside.

I quickly open the door and suddenly a person stumbled on me. I quickly catch her from falling. It was Alma! She is breathing heavily. Is it raining outside the loop? Her clothes are all drench.

"Alma? What on earth happen to you?" I ask trying to support her through the hallway.

"I messed up Balenciaga." She said shuffling herself. "I thought I wouldn't get caught but I was wrong. A hunter tried to shoot me, so I fled away as fast as I could." She continued. She's stumbling trying to balance herself.

"Come on. We need to get you to the infirmary."

"No. I'm okay. I'm just exhausted that's all. Please bring me to Ymeene's office now."

Alma. Stubborn as always. "Alrighty then. To Ymeene's office we go."

Ymeene's POV

      I heard a knock on my door. "Come in."
I see Balenciaga supporting Alma.

"Alma? What happened? Are you injured?" Why are you all drench up?"

"My condition isn't the thing you should worry about. It's the organisation." She said looking at me with her sharp-exhausted-eyes.

I stared at her for a moment. "Alright."Tell me everything."


"So you're saying this organisation were run by Wights?"


"Did you manage to caught anything....
interesting about this organisation?" I mean rather than parents selling their children."

Nod. "Yes I do found out something very interesting, but I can't tell you now." Alma said standing near my display table.

"How about we talk about it at the library?"

"Sure. Balenciaga? Do you want to come along?"

"Is it okay for you?"

"Yes. I don't want to keep any news from you. Besides I want your help on finding this one book."

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