Chapter 2: A new house and a suprise visitor

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A/N their new mansion up there.^^^

Third person POV

      They all dock the ship at the beach near a jungle not wanting to arrouse any suspision happening from the townspeople.

Fiona uses her peculiarity to cover the ship with some bushes with vine that has thorns on it just in case if anybody is doing a jungle tracking.

''Jake what year is it?" Alma asked Jacob who looked like he had been dozing off for a while.

''I think this is still 1943 but I'm not sure what date it is. Probably September the 5th." Jacob said with a 'not sure' look face.

Alma nods her head signing that she understood it.

They walk until they heard the noise from the town. All eyes were focused to these new arrival in the town.

One girl with a lead shoe and another with gloves on her hands also with a pair of twins wearing masks seems bizzare to them. Alma get the most attention since she's carrying Claire with her left arm and holding one of the Twins' hand with Bronwyn tugging on her skirt.

Jacob, Emma, Olive, and Enoch look at their Ymbryne worriedly as she is not yet recovered from the Blackpool tragedy and she's already doing her duty.

''Uhhh...Miss? How about I carry Claire. You seemed tired" Emma offered. Alma stop her steps and turned slowly at Emma. Her face may have a smile but her falcon's-like-eyes shows 'I can manage this myself. Thank you for your concern'look.

Emma drops her head low ''Sorry for asking Miss" Alma nod and continue walking.

'This bird is really stubborn. I have to come up with an idea on how to bring this Ymbryne to talk about her doing more than one thing problem' Enoch said to himself knowing that Ymbrynes have sharp ears.

They walk until they stopped infront of a small building where a signboard written 'Mayor office' on it.

Alma gave a few knock on the door.She heard the man said ''Entrez." Opening the door reavealed a middle-aged man with white beard and a monocle. His suit is neatly put on. He looks almost like Horace if he was old now except Horace doesn't wear a monocle.

'By the way he dressed and the signboard outside,this must be the mayor.' Alma whispered to herself.

''What's the ocassion that brings you all here?" He ask with a thick French accent.

''We are new here." Alma said putting Claire down. ''May I know what is this island's name?" She continued politely. The mayor raise his head looking at Alma.

''You're British." He said. ''Yes I am. My name is Alma Le Fay Peregrine. I was born and raised there before I moved to Cairnholm."

''Ahhhh...Cairnholm that small island in Wales. Pity Germans already starts to drop their bombs there. Who are these children?" The mayor asked raising an eyebrow.

"These are my children well not biologically. I'm their guardian." Alma said carefully not to slip too many information.

''Well. I welcome all of you to Chausey." The mayor said raising from his chair.

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