Chapter 7: Unlocking the chained heart

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      "How many left?" I asked through my clenched teeth.

"Non sir." Sid said looking at me with fear.

"How about Audrey?"

"They took her too also with the Cockatoo "

"Bullshit!!" I clawed his face. Scratches on his clean face suits him best. He fell down holding his now crimson red face.

"You're suppose to take fucking good care of her or at least stand infront of the door guarding it!! Not left it being unguarded!!"

"Please forgive me sir!! I promise I wouldn't do it again!"

"What's the point of saying forgiveness. She's gone. You useless dog!!" This time I kick him in the chest. He coughed; blood oozing from his nose and lips.

"There's no use for me to keep you here. She's gone and you should be too. " I press his chest harder till I can hear his rib bones crack.

"Sir- Please-" He's gasping for air. What a very pleasant scene. "You know what have you done wrong right?"

"Y-Yes Sir" I give him a smile. An evil smile.

"Good. But it doesn't mean that I would forgive you"

"Take him to the dungeon torture him till I say stop. Don't let him escape. I 'll give him a piece of advice that he won't forget forever."

I move my right foot away from his chest and let my two guards brought him out from my office. "Sir! Please!! I won't do it anymore. Please forgive me!!"

His pathetic voice echoes through my room as he is being dragged out.


Audrey you have disobeyed me. You're no different from her. You still wanted to feel your punishment right? I'll give it to you. I'll do it ten times worser than what I gave you eighteen years ago.


Audrey's POV"

I'm sorry child. I need to do this"

Those are the last words I hear before she hit my neck. Oww. Where am I? I get up from a...bed? What is this place? Hospital?

The last time I see one was when father tortured me severely.

I noticed something beneath my hospital clothes. Bandages? Oh yeah they probally saw those whip marks. Shit. It still hurts like hell I need to get out of here. I get up from my bed and walk to the front door.

"I think we should send her to Nighthjar's loop Alma." I stopped my hand from twisting the doorknob. "No Bunting. I want to take her with me back to my loop." I think that voice belongs to the lady who got me out from father's base.

I tried to open the door very slowly so I can see the conversation. I saw a woman maybe aroud fifties or sixties. She's probally Bunting. Standing infront of her crossing her arms is Alma. She looks quite...I don't know angry?

"Let Nightjar takes her under her wing." Bunting said sternly.

"I would've let if she knows how to take care of a girl who has Haphephobia. I'm not offending her but Audrey is another case. Her case is different from what Nightjar have encountered."

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