Chapter 5: Truth and apology

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Warning: This chapter is quite dark and have mental breakdown in it so...yeah... Also this chapter is quite idk fluffy????

Audrey's POV

      I sighed looking at my reflection on the mirror at my toilet's sink. Soon this face and hair will be splattered with blood. Soon this white shirt will be soaked in blood and I'll have to wash it with soap and cleanse it with hydrogen peroxide.

Father always wanted my clothes to be clean from blood even if I washed it normally he will force me to use hydrogen peroxide the reason 'I just want it to be perfectly clean.'

I smile looking at my face my perfect face. The dark circles under my cobalt blue eyes are growing worser. My dirty pale blonde hair will always stayed the same except when it's covered in dried blood. I have no problem washing it since the blood belongs to me.

My pale pink lips will have blood dripping out from it so there's no use in using balm the blood will be the lipstick I use everyday. I look at one big scar on my neck that trail down along from my chest to my stomach. It's already healed.

My body is full of scars, scars from father. Scars from all those damn experiment.

Stop thinking negatively. My unstable mind said to me. I sigh once again and starts to button my shirt up. How long will I stay here? Will I be chained to the walls and left to rot if I disobey his commands again?

I wonder what's the weapon and room I'll be investigated. I walk out from the room leaving the metal door close by itself.

Alma's POV

      Are my eyes trying to poison my mind? I don't think I can bare myself on seeing all of this. This children aren't toys they can break and glue it back and then kept on breaking them.

It's been five days since I entered this so called loop. I spy through the window when it's nightime so they won't be able to see me since my feathers blends well with the colour of night. I don't know how these wights manage to capture an ymbryne and force her to mantain this loop.

Yes. You heard me right Wights. I don't even know there are more of them. I thought it's just Barron and his group are the Wights left to live until Jake and my children kill them.

All of us ymbrynes have been deceived. I can't let this happen. Hearing the children screams are the worse. Bird knows what these monsters use to toture them.

Last night I almost want to barge in here when I saw a boy maybe around ten chained to the wall. His clothes were torn to shreds leaving him only with a pair of trousers. His body condition was very frail that I thought maybe he wasn't even fed.

When I was about to fly to another window I heard him whimpered in pain: "Mother, mother...Where are you? Why am I here? Why did you send me here? What have I done wrong?" With tears prickling in my eyes, I fled to another window.

This time it's a room belongs to a teenage girl around fifteen or sixteen.

All I knew before she head out from her room to the experimental room she'll always look at the mirror and smiled when she saw her face.

I don't think its a normal thing to be...smiling...when...your face isn't in a very good condition. Her face is expressionless whenever she goes out, but in fear when she comes back.

It's like someone does something more than toturing. Someone switched her button emotions up. From emotionless to pain and fear.

I only know one thing, her room is quite dark the ceiling is towering over her.
There are windows two at the top and one at her toilet and another one near her bed.

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