Chapter 4: An unknown organisation and a little quarreling

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Alma's POV

"Balenciaga I have something to tell you." I said in bird language. To shorten the run time we chose to travel in bird form

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" She squaked back. "Did Bunting ever mentioned anything about Avocet to you?"

"No.Why?" I think for a while."Nevermind I'll tell you later when we...arrive." I said trying to avoid an eye contact. She looked at me in confusion. "Alright then." She said and focused back her vision infront.

Flying and gliding through the wind is very refreshing. Even though I dislike to travel in bird form that often, I still love to soar myself through the pale blue sky.

"I see a Carnival up ahead!!" Balenciaga squaked happily. I looked up and gasp. I quickly avoid the thing I'm about to hit. I sigh.

"Balenciaga...Why didn't you warn me about that tree?" She looked at me apologitically."Sorry I was too excited."

"It's alright"

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked.

"Yes the carnival's entrance says 'Tourist Carnival' so it must be it."

"Alright. I think it would be better if we transform at the council."

"Noted Alma."

We entered an underground tunnel that connects to the council itself. As we head in I felt a pressure between my ears and I know I already entered the loop.

We land at the front entrance and transformed. I brushed my skirt so it won't have any wrinkles and dust on it. I knew Miss Bunting wouldn't like to see any specs of unperfection on us.

"The Council hasn't changed that much." I said walking at the hallways. "Yeah. But Mr Barron and his gang still tried to broke in here."

"For what? Only normal peculiars and some Ymbrynes are here." I questioned
"I think they were here for the records. Our Ymbryne records."

I stopped walking and stared at Balenciaga in disbelief. The records did put the location of our loops. I think that's what he's aftering. "Luckily the records are kept at an underground vault. Justin and Jasmine are there securing it."

"Balenciaga can you slow down please? I can't keep all of your information at once and who are Justin and Jasmine?" She gasp.

"Seriously you don't remember who they are?" I nod. "Oh my bird. They're our old peculiar friends back at the academy." They both have the same peculiarity, metal manipulation."

Before I could answer I saw someone waiting a few metres infront of us. I immediately froze when I saw the face.

"Alma why did you stop walking? Hey why don't you answer me? Hello? Earth to Alma?"

'Balenciaga if you can see who's infront of us I'm sure you'll stop talking at once.' The words were like a prayer to me when I see Balenciaga looked infront and stop talking.

"Good afternoon my dear sisters." The voice said.

"Good afternoon Miss Bunting." Me and Balenciaga said in unison. "I suppose you're late a minute and twenty seconds." She continued. "We're sorry Miss Bunting."

"I must say that it was not a good thing but you both are forgiven."Now let's hurry up to the meeting room." "We won't do it again Miss." I felt like we've just shrink back into the children we used to be. The ymbryne in training.

The children who will always listened to their mother.

With a nod from Miss Bunting, we started walking. We walk until we arrive at a big brunette oak door. Miss Bunting open it. All eyes were glued on us. I saw most of my friends back at the academy. Margaret Hornbill, Isabel Cuckoo and Gloria Turkey are there sitting looking, no, most likely staring at me.

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