Chapter 3: The Council of Ymbrynes are waiting for us

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Balenciaga's POV


"You must bring Alma here." Miss Bunting said to me.

"Why? I thought you already send the letter to her." I ask confused with what she just said to me.

Miss Bunting pinched her nose bridge and said "You do still remember what happen to her loop right?"

I put my right index finger on my chin trying to recall back what happened. "Oh yeah. Barron raided her loop too."

"Yes, and that's why the letter didn't arrive in her hands."please Balenciaga I'm counting on you to bring her here. I'm asking you with my most sincerity." I stay quite for a while to make my decision.

"Okay. I'll bring her here."

"Thank you Balenciaga and please do bring Miss Natasha Owl with you too."

Wait did Miss Bunting just said bring Natasha with me? Wait.Wait.wait...what is it for?

"Why?" I ask naïvely

"You'll know my dear Balenciaga."

*End of flashback*

"Balenciaga." Alma said to me.

"Hello sister how are you?" I greeted her back with a smile. Alma still hasn't changed. She's still my little sister my bestfriend. The girl who arrived at the academy with her brothers. Homeless after what happen at their house. The girl who always accompanies me no matter what. The girl who became one of the most youngest yet powerful Ymbryne.

"Balenciaga? Are you alright?" Alma's voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"Ah, yes I'm alright." I cleared my throat a bit.

She spread her arms and hug me. "I miss you. It's been years since we talk or see each other." She said in a hoarse voice. I can feel that she is crying.

"You're my bestfriend of course I understand your duty as an Ymbryne even I also have duties to do." I said as I rubbed her back with my palm.

"Hey! Have you guys forgotten about me?" said an annoyed voice.

She's not exactly annoyed as I still can hear her slight tone of joy. I turn and look at her with a sarcastic smile speard accross my face.

"Oh my it seems that my encounter with Alma is way more interesting than introducing you back to her." I said sarcastically

"Ugh whatever." Natasha said and pulled me away from Alma so that she can hug her. "You do still remember me right Alma?" Natasha said giving her innocent look.

Alma laughed lightly "Of course I still remember you Natasha. What happened to you? I barely recognise you.The only thing that I recognise about you are your hair and eye colour." Hearing those words makes Natasha's face suddenly fell down a little.

'Oh my bird please not here Natasha not at this very front door.' I prayed to all the birds that she will not do it here.

Alma noticed how Natasha's reacting and quickly say "I'm sorry I shouldn't ask you here. How about we talk about it inside? A cup of tea will soothe your mind." Alma suggest. Me and Natasha nod in unison. Alma invited the both of us inside.

We walk until we came across with one of her wards. "Jake. Pardon me for stopping you by sudden. Could you please tell the others that I shall not be disturb until my discussion with my ymbryne sisters are done?"

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