Chapter 16: A turkey on a tree branch

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Third person POV

"Miss Peregrine?" Audrey's sixth sense is telling her something has happened to Miss P.

"Audrey? What's wrong?" Julian asked.

"No. Noth-"

A sudden pain burst from Audrey's head. It makes her fell to her knees.

"Audrey!" Both Julian and Mr. Shadow tried to catch her before she fell down completely.

"You don't touch her!" Mr. Shadow smacked Julian's hands away from Audrey. He stoned when that happened.

"I'm okay. Don't worry." Audrey rubbed her temple and get on her feet back.

"Julian I think its best if we go to your Ymbryne's office." Mr. Shadow said.

"Yeah sure. I'll show you the way." Julian opened his door. He looked left and right.

"Odd. There are no children running" He scratched his not itchy head.

"Louise?" Julian called one of the children's name.

No answer.


Still no answer.

They gone to the ground floor. Still the hallway is very quite.

"Miss Juliette?" Julian knocked on the door.
"Audrey's here to see her Ymbryne." Julian opens the door.

"Miss- What- why's that thing open..?"

"Jul what's wrong? Wow Miss Juliette got a secret passage?" Audrey's eyes doubled its size.

"Uh yeah it's for emergency. I just don't know why it's wide open."

"Maybe the both of your Ymbryne are down there." Mr. Shadow fixed his top hat.

"Impossible. Miss Juliette would've told me if something happened." Julian spun an angry expression decorated his face.

"Listen kid. I'm more fucking older than you. I know what I felt. So get your lazy arse and help Audrey find Alma."

Julian mute himself grabbed another hanging lantern and go downstairs followed by Audrey and proud Mr. Shadow.

Mr. Shadow stay close to the lantern. He don't want to fade away in this matter. He didn't trust Julian one bit. He'll tell Audrey someday, maybe.

Julian stopped. He crouched down to pick something. "Hey Audrey. Do you recognise this feather?"

"Feather?" She crouched beside Julian. Julian hand her the feather.

Audrey inspected the feather. It's blue just like Miss P's whimsical suit.
"This- This is Miss p's feather." She gasped.

"I even found Miss Juliette's feather." Julian showed a long green feather.

"Who could've done this?" Audrey got up and back up staggeringly.

"I- I have no- Oh shit. Audrey. The children. They're in danger." Julian grabbed Audrey's hand and scurry back to the office. Julian close the passage.

"Julian." Audrey called out. In her hands was a paper.

"Read this." Audrey showed Julian the paper. In it were written,

Aww what's wrong? little birdies lost their mommies? Don't worry, Alma and Juliette are right beside me. Both of them are very special so I put them in separate cages rather than being with their other 'sisters'. I'll take very good care of them. Ouh about your friends Julian, I already fed them to the hollows. Your loop is the only one I haven't raided yet Audrey. Maybe I'll make a quick stop there. How about you warn your friends rather than standing in the office reading this? If you ever arrive there in time.


Audrey's expression changed. She grit her teeth and ripped the letter to shreds. "Fuck!" She swore and stormed out from the office and head for the lawn.

"No..." The lawn was in a complete mess like a bulldozer just demolish it but Audrey and Julian knew it wasn't the bulldozers instead it were the stinking hollows and Caul himself.

Audrey stepped on the grass but it felt slushy. She lift up her shoe to see. It was red and smelled metallic.

"Okay..." She said pale-faced.

"Audrey." Julian looked at her sadly "This isn't suppose to happen."

"I know Jul. Come. Let's find some evidence." Audrey pulled Julian's hand. The walk on the lawn are grimly depressed. Both of the only survived wards on the loop never cared about the grand blood carpeted grass beneath them.

"Audrey. I know this scarf. It belongs to Lottie." Julian pick up a pink scraf that is almost completely dyed in crimson.

"I found this black shoe." Audrey brought up a small black shoe splotched in red dryed up blood.

"That's Louise's"What else you found?" Julian put the scraf beside the shoe.

"A bunch of same stuffs and some soft toys dressed in red." Mr. Shadow butt in.

"Ouh okay. Hey lets pay our last respect to them." Julian squat and clasped both of his hands together like praying.

Audrey looked at Julian dumbfounded.
"You do know how to do it right?"
Audrey shooked her head slowly. "It's alright I'll teach you."

Mr. Shadow zapped infront of Audrey. He smiled. "Oh no, no. I'll teach her how."

Julian shrugged "Alrighty then."

After that

"You know where I learn that?" Julian asked Audrey. Audrey only shooked her head quitely.

"At Japan from Miss Crane."

"You've been to Japan?"

"Yea, it's a very beautiful country. You know-" Cluck, Cluck. Sound of clucking stopped Julian from continuing.

"You heard that?"

"Yeah."What was that?"

"Maybe a hen got lost in here?" Julian scratched the back of his neck.

"Impossible normal living things can't enter in here." Audrey shook her head aggressively.

"Then maybe it's a peculiar hen?"

"You are quite wrong young man." A deep mellow voice came out of nowhere.

"Who?" Julian looked left and right for the source of the voice.

"Up here." Julian, Audrey including Mr. Shadow looked up at a tree branch. A figure looked like a woman sitting at the tree branch. They can't see her face clearly but they are perfectly sure the woman is smiling.

"Who are you?" Julian hugged Audrey protectively. Mr. Shadow hissed at Julian.

"You don't remember me Jul? Including you little blondey Audrey?" The woman laughed musically. She jumped from the tree branch to the ground.

"Have you forgotten about me Audrey? Julian?" The woman brushed her long dark brown coat and fixed the red scarf on her neck. Her tied up coffee brown hair bounced gently. Her grey eyes shining brightly. A smile carved on her face.

"Miss Gloria Turkey pleased to meet you again"

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