Chapter 9: Getting used to a new enviroment (part 2)

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Warning: Mental abuse, self-abuse, curse words

Enoch's POV

      I clear my 'surgery' table so that I can lay down my head and clear my clogged brain. Audrey's peculiarity is very aggresive. I wonder why didn't Miss P sent her to Miss Nightjar's loop instead of letting her stay? I bet she must undergone some argument with Miss Bunting or any other ymbryne involved. And as usual she'll always won the prize, bringing back a new peculiar with her.

I think doing some research on Audrey wouldn't hurt. I've got to figure out what's wrong with her before the same tragedy happen.

"Enoch?" A soft voice sounded from outside. It's Olive.

"May I come in?"


"Enoch I know you didn't meant to hurt Audrey. Miss Natasha told me why did Audrey's peculiarity lurched towards you."


"Firstly because you triggered it. Second it thought you're harming Audrey. Third Audrey has Haphephobia."

"Oh I see. Hey do you think we should help her? I know this doesn't sound like me but I don't want the same thing happen to the others especially the little ones."

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing and I think we should."

"You really do get me Olive." I was about to kiss her when a sudden thud from downstairs was heard.

"What was that?" Olive sounded panic.

"I think we should check it out." I said rising from my chair and grabbed Olive's hand.

We ran downstairs to the second floor.

"I think it's coming from here." I said infront of the room beside Emma's.

I open the door only to be shocked to see who's inside. Audrey. This is her room. She's crying. I walk closer to her only to be stopped by Olive who's tugging on my sweater.

"Wait Enoch. Look at what she's holding and her left wrist its covered in cuts and blood." She whispered to me.

I look at what Audrey's holding a pocket knife. Where the hell she even got it? Oh bird she's clearly having a mental breakdown.

"Olive go call Miss P now. Tell her this is an emergency. I'm gonna try to take that knife from her."

"Be careful." With that Olive darted away finding Miss P.

This is going to be a long day.


Audrey's POV

      I close the door and put my luggage on top of the bed. I take out some of the gifts I got back at The Council. I unwrapped the first gift. A notebook and a book with blank pages there're also three pens and a box of wooden pencils. A small card written in it: thought you might need some things to do at Alma's house that will ease your boredom.
From: Miss Bunting

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