Chapter 1

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Stolen Dance by Milky Chance

Promises- EP by Ryn Weaver

I Need You by M83 (best song ever)~

Chapter 1

I was awoken to the sound of beeping.

I tried to open my eyes but failed. The next time I tried to open them after a few seconds of mental preparation, I barely succeeded and earned just a little slit to peer through. Luckily for me my head was already tilted to one side, so I didn't have to move my neck to see any of my surroundings other than the ceiling. At first my vision was blurry, but after a few seconds it cleared up enough to see that the beeping was a heart monitor- no, my heart monitor. I don't remember getting here, in this bland, fresh-scented hospital room. I don't even remember a lot of pain that would be required to be in a hospital. As the seconds went on my body felt more alert, and then I started to feel just a slight pain in my calf and stomach. I cringed a little at the pain, although it didn't feel as bad as when I have gotten shot before. Then it suddenly came rushing back to me. I remember setting off the memory serum, but David shot me, and I died, didn't I? Yes, I did, my mom came down and got me off the Earth, and took me away to the afterlife. I have to admit, I never really thought there was an afterlife. But, if this is the afterlife, why am I in a hospital, hooked up to a heart monitor? I decided after a few minutes that I better find out, my body felt alive now.

"Mom?" I croaked. It was barely a hoarse whisper, I'm sure nobody heard me. I decided to try again, louder.

"Mom?" I say. Although my voice sounds like a frogs, it was louder than the first time, so I'm sure someone heard me. All the sudden a nurse walks in. She seems unmoved by me being awake. She walks back out of the room, earning a nasty look at her back from me.

"She's awake," I hear her say to someone in a bored tone.

"Oh good," someone else says. It's a voice that I recognize. Male. I think of all the men that have died. Will? No, he's too young. Dad? Maybe. I find out when I hear someone enter the room. I look over.

David? Did he die too? I remember him slumping over in his wheelchair, but I just thought that was because of the memory serum, or a side affect of me dying. I guess I give him a strange and curious look because next thing I know he grins evilly and says "It worked."

What? What worked? Did I not get to die and be with my parents again? He wheels over next to me and studies me down carefully, and for long enough I start to get uncomfortable. He notices.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. His tone infuriates me. I wish I had that gun in the lab so I could have shot him straight through the head.

"Why do you care?" I growl, my voice still dry and scratchy. "Where am I?" I ask, more annoyed. I wiggle around slightly and feel that my body is securely tied down to the bed. They would definitely not do that in heaven. Hell? Was I not forgiven for all I've done? Is that why David is here? Will I not get to see all the people that were killed because of me? I'm brought out of my thoughts by laughing. I glare at him, tears stinging at the back of my eyes because of my choice to leave the Earth, for, nothing. I can't help it, I feel a tiny, salty droplet roll down my cheek.

"Where am I?!" I ask again, fiercer. If my hands weren't bound down I would smack him so hard I would be happy to leave my handprint red on his cheek. Finally, he speaks.

"Your in the Bureau's hospital, of course." He states plainly, like its obvious. I give him a look of confusement and hatred.

"But I'm dead." I state dryly. How could I be in the Bureau?

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