Chapter 2

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Songs for this Chapter:

Maps by Maroon 5

Set Me Free (Feel My Pain) by Charli XCX

Paradise by Coldplay~

Chapter 2

***1-2 months later***

I've spent weeks in this place, and I need to get out.

I don't know how long I've been here, but it seems like ages. I've been trying to formulate a plan but it gets manipulated every time I get tested on, with David and his new serums. I guess it doesn't matter that much, it wasn't a real plan anyways, but it was something. I sit tied to the bed again, waiting for who knows how long for food or more tests, whatever comes first, I don't know. There are no windows, no clocks, and nobody speaks to me except David or sometimes the nurse when I won't eat. I guess being divergent not only comes with many personalities, but with many moods too, including depression and hopelessness. I need to get out of here, I have to. David wheels in.

"Test time," he grins. I sigh. I don't even ask what it will do, I don't want to know. Not now that they've improved the strength on everything, I can't prepare. No use.

The nurse hands David a little handheld device and detaches my brain monitor and detaches the bed from the wall. They never let me out of this thing, I'm like a test monkey. David presses a few buttons and my bed starts rolling out of the room, followed by David.

Rolling down the endless marked hallways to the test lab, David asks his usual question.

"How are you feeling?" It's the same question. Every time.

"Screw you," I say. I hate him. I hate him so much.

"Good to hear," he doesn't say anymore. He knows he can only push a few of my buttons before I explode, he found that out the first experiment.

A minute or so later we're still going down the twisting hallways and barely even close to the lab. We are about to go past a hallway that's to the right and I think I see something move around the corner. I just ignore it, it won't help me to acknowledge it anyways. Since I'm at least 6 feet in front of David, and I assume he isn't looking through the back of my angled bed, as we pass I slightly tilt my head just to glimpse down the hall, my curiosity suddenly getting the best of me, and I'm testing to see if I'm going crazy.

I see a figure.

He's male, not too tall, brown hair, glasses. I feel like I know him, and trust him, because he looks familiar, but my messed up mind won't put a label to his face. He puts a finger to his lips as if telling me to stay quiet. I gladly obey because this is either a simulation or, if he is real, anybody is better than David. Even the nurse I've grown to despise. Before I glance away to keep his cover, I see something shiny and black in his hands. I gulp silently. I sure hope I trust him.

A few seconds after I pass the hallway I hear a gunshot. Then another. And one more. I gasp and try to curl up into a ball and make myself as small as possible, but soon realizing I can't. There are several too many nightmares and simulations that involve guns, I can't take it, and I don't care. My eyes start to water up when I see the man that looked familiar come up hastily to my side with a knife and start to head towards my hand. If I could I would jerk it away. He starts precisely cutting the knots around my arms. He speaks.

"Hi Tris," he says in a voice that I recognize.


I grin. There's no doubt he's going to get me out of here. I trust him with my life, even if he is part of the Bureau. He noticed my grinning, probably assuming I know him now. He finishes cutting everything away and pulls me up off the bed. I stand up and immediately fall, not walking and barely eating for who knows how long.

"Oh that's right," he pulls me up again. "You haven't walked in six weeks." He scratches his head as if thinking, which he probably is.

"Have you been stalking me Matthew?" I ask him grinning, starting to get excited that I might escape.

He grins too. "Well if stalking you means watching you whenever I wasn't being watched personally, and then rescuing you with the information I found then yes." He pulls a pair of pants and a hoodie from his backpack after setting me back leaning against the hospital bed for support. "It's still cold outside, and your half naked." He tosses them to me. My cheeks flush whatever color they might have had on them at realization I was wearing a small hospital gown with no underclothes.

I quickly to the best of my ability pull on the pants that were way to big, wrapping around one of the pieces of rope cut from my bed to hold them up. I then slip on my hoodie, noticing it doesn't smell like, well, anything. I leave the crunchy gown on underneath of it and manage to wobble back towards him.

"So what's the plan?" I ask him casually to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Well first," he starts, "Let's do something with this, quickly." He points to David's unconscious -or dead- body that's gushing blood from about three places. He picks up the body. And places it in the chair. "Push the bed over top of the blood." I do as I'm told to the best of my ability, because it's heavy, for me at least. I turn to see Matthew pushing him into a closet.

"Beds and other things get left around a lot. It won't be suspicious. At first." He points to the bed. He looks up at me. "Let's go, follow me."

He turns down the hall and starts running. At first it's hard to keep up, but he tosses me a weird looking granola bar and tells me to eat it. After that I find his pace manageable. After about ten minutes, we reach a door. He halts to a stop and turns toward me, pulling a heavier jacket out of his backpack. He pulls it over me while speaking.

"This should keep you warm, enough. There's a navigation system about the size of your hand in the backpack. Do not, absolutely do not turn it on till you get about a hundred yards away from the building, or they will find you. Do you understand?" He barely pauses for me to say anything before continuing.

"It will lead you back to Chicago, near Christina's apartment. You'll be safe there, trust me. They won't even bother with David probably dead and them not really monitoring it anymore. They've given up on the experiment, and they can find other Divergents to be their lab rats for now." He slips a hat over my head.

"What about you? Won't they find you for helping me?" I say. I really don't want him getting in trouble.

"No, they're all practically brainless," he makes a nervous laugh, "remember?" I nod. I know he's lying, even if I'm not Candor, but even if thinking this makes me selfish, I don't care, because I'll do whatever it takes to get out.

He pecks me on the cheek once and pulls me into a short hug. When he leans out again he speaks.

"Remember what I said," he pauses, quickly glancing out the door. I notice a stray tear on his cheek before he sneaks it away. "Well, better get going." He pats me on the now backpack equipped back and nudges me out the door. I look back one last time and see the heavy iron back door shutting.

I head into the chilly snow storm towards my destination. Tobias.

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