Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

That Sunday rolled around pretty quickly and, with all of my minimum belongings set out in their places, some food in the mini refrigerator, and all my black clothing put away Christina left and Lindsey came soon after that, right on time.

I opened up the door and Lindsey greeted me happily.

"Hi Tris!" she said immediately after I opened the door, shoving a small box into my hands.

"Hi," I replied letting her in.

She must have noticed the odd look on my face because she soon said, "It's chocolate. Trust me it won't bite. Four told be about Friday night."

I freeze. Why would he tell her? It's also kind of embarrassing. "Oh." Is all I manage to say. "Well come on in," I tell her, closing the door and locking it. Depending on how late she's going to stay here, you need to make sure you lock the door. I don't trust many people in the Dauntless compound, or at all.

I put the box on my small kitchen counter and walk into the much bigger living area. I think Dauntless expects us to eat in the cafeteria more than fix our own food. But they also expect us to throw parties. I sit down on the couch and start chatting.

"So... How have you been?" I ask her, not really knowing what else to say. I have never had a new person come over to my house before- let alone my old boyfriends girlfriend.

"Oh good," She responds. I can't help but think something else is on her mind, but I decide to ignore it since she seems to have moved the conversation on already.

"How have you been?" she asks me kindly.

I just nod and say, "Good." She looks at me and grabs my hand, making me feel quite unconformable.

"Are you sure?" she asks me, while looking at me in a way that seems as if she's trying to see through my eyes and into the abyss.

"Um, yea," I say, looking away and sliding my hand out from hers and into my pant pockets, making sure she wouldn't be able to grab them again. I wonder what faction she came from.

She seems to have noticed that that gesture made my uncomfortable because she looks a little embarrassed and slides her hands away from where it was originally touching mine.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask her. She shrugs.

"Uhmm... Can I tell you something, Tris?" She looks at me pleadingly.

I don't want to be too rude, so I just respond, "Uh, yea?", while wondering what she'll tell me.

"Well," she starts. "It's about Four," I tense at his name, but I don't let it show. She continues. "Well, I don't know how much you know about,... relationships," I feel slightly offended, but I guess I should try not to care. Because I guess it didn't really happen anymore. "But, well, every time I bring up sex, or a future, Four just shrugs it off, or says he feels like he shouldn't or some shit, but I thought that,.. I don't know, guys in a relationship were the ones who usually wanted that, or brought it up more, or at least agreed, but, I don't know." She sighs.

Even though I feel like I am supposed to be a supporting friend in this situation, I kind of feel a grin spreading onto my face that he isn't in a serious relationship with her, and that they haven't been intimate with each other, although I quickly take my grin off my face so my thoughts won't show.

"Well, um..." I don't know how I am supposed to react, or what to say exactly. "How long have you been dating?" I ask her.

"Almost 2 months," she says. I jump for joy inside. Tobias and I were only dating for 1 month.

"Um-" I'm cut off by Lindsey.

"That's okay," she says. "I didn't expect you to respond, but it felt good to tell someone, thanks." She smiles. I smile back, trying to be polite to her.


After a few more hours, it's about 9:30, and she decides she should leave, because she didn't tell Four where she was going and he was going to finish work soon. I just think, you have a phone, but I don't tell her that because she's been nice to me all day.


A hear a weak knock on the door, and assuming it's Lindsey since she's supposed to be here any minute now, I open the door instantly. I look out, expecting to see Lindsey's pretty face but instead, I see someone's, although nice face, theirs is one I was hoping to never have to associate myself with again.



Okay, I'm sorry for the REALLY REALLY short chapter, but I don't feel very good and I wanted to update with my free time because of all of your wonderful comments. Sorry again. <4

~> read, vote, comment, and fangirl! <~

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