Chapter 8

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Nothing Left To Say / Rocks by Imagine Dragons

Zombie by Natalia Kills

Chapter 8

I'm walking down a long, seemingly endless hallway. There are no doors, and nothing to decorate the damp, poorly lit hallway. After walking for a long while, I start to come across giant window-like things in the wall. But instead of showing me outside, it shows part of my life. The first one is me as a baby in the hospital in Abnegation, my mom looking at me and cradling me in her arms, then my dad holding a little Caleb in his arms, staring at me. The next one was some other memory with me and Caleb playing. And the next Caleb scolding me for not giving my jump rope to another little girl on a playground.

Much later after some more scenes of my life in Abnegation, I start seeing more treasured memories. Like Christina and I jumping off the train for the first time. Then jumping into the net, then Tobias and I climbing up the Ferris wheel, and our first kiss. All of these memories trapped in boxes that I can't reach into.

At the end it's me 'dying', being shot by David, with an evil smirk on his face. I pound my fists on the glass, trying to wake myself up, screaming bloody murder. I look down and see no more windows, like my life ended there. Maybe it really did. Then I change places suddenly and I'm in an apartment that I don't recognize, and it's silent. Then somebody walks in through the door. I turn around and see Tobias, he's looking at me and smiling. I stand there with happy tears pouring down my face and shocked. Then I feel something and Lindsey walks through me, walking into Tobias's open arms. I feel like a ghost, because I probably am. They start to kiss each other, and I try to look away, but when I turn, I just see them again. They are surrounding me, not even acknowledging my presence. I break down into tears, and eventually start hyperventilating. I collapse onto the cold floor and hide myself. I seem to melt away through the floor and appear somewhere else.

(Play Nothing Left To Say / Rocks till about 7 minutes or shorter) I am falling now, and I look around myself. All around me are rock walls, and the air is damp and moist. I look down and see I'm falling into the chasm, where there are jagged rocks pointing up through the fridge spraying, ready to kill me. As I'm falling there are no tears streaming down my cheeks, because I am ready to embrace my fate. It seems like hours as I fall, but every time I look down I appear closer, and I can feel the air rushing past me. I look up and see all my friends, Shauna, Zeke, Uriah, and Christina looking down at me over the railing, laughing, and think they must have pushed me. I'm nearing the bottom now and I look over to see Lindsey and Tobias on our rock, kissing where we shared our first kiss, and I let some tears slide down my cheeks, right before I hit the bottom.


"TRIS!" I hear someone yell over top of me. I bolt up straight, hitting my head against someone else's, hard. I feel ice cold sweat pouring off of me in bucketloads, and slow, hot tears streaming down my face in drips, unintentionally.

"Ow!" I look over and see Uriah rubbing his fore head. "Your hard-headed, Tris," he says to me. I gasp for fresh air and rip my blankets off, because I feel like I'm burning in a fire.

Christina smacks his arm, earning another ow from Uriah. "TRIS!" She runs over to me and squeezes me tightly, soaking her own shirt in sweat. I push her off, not meanly, but I feel if I get any hotter I'll turn to a pile of ash instantly.

"What," I gasped, resting my head in my hands. "Happened?"

Christina pounces on the question and starts talking nervously and quickly.

"When I was about to fall asleep, I heard rustling in here, and then I heard mumbling, so I decided to check on you. And when I came in here, you were thrashing around in your bed, and then you started to scream, so I tried to wake you up. Then when you wouldn't wake up, I went to get Uriah a-"

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