Chapter SIX

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Hideaway by Kiesza

Waiting Game by Banks

Forever by HIAM

Tennis Court by Lorde~

Chapter SIX

I wake up, my eyes still feeling stiff and slightly swollen. I hear beeping, and wonder if I'm back at the Bureau, and it was all a simulation. Then I wiggle my free hands, and know that it's not. I'm still stuck here, in what feels like an infirmary, and Christina was right.

"I think she moved her hands!" I hear Christina whisper yell to somebody. "Tris are you awake?"

Christina's here, great. I need to pretend to still be asleep. I lay there silently, not responding, and I hear her sigh of disappointment. I prepare myself to get up and run, because I need to get out of here, wherever I can go. I don't want to really talk to anyone, or lay in a place that reminds me of where I spent months in torture. I take a deep breath, and bolt out of bed, hearing Christina gasp.

I sprint blindly out of the small room and down a hallway, where I see two doctors blocking my path. I try to run through them put they push me onto the ground and insert something into my neck, leading me into a peaceful darkness.


I stir again, still keeping my eyes closed, and flick my wrist. My hands are bound down with a piece of metal, and so are my feet, and I can feel one around my torso. They don't want me to try to escape again.

"I saw you move Tris," I hear Christina say. I sigh, still with my eyes closed, and feel a few stray tears come down my cheeks. I don't want to live anymore, not like this. I'm tired and sad, and my muscles are sore all over, probably from being over used. I finally open my eyes, and look up to see three faces leaning over me. Christina, Uriah, and Zeke. I would bet Shauna is here, but can't lean over top of me due to her being wheel chair bound. They all stare at me, and I feel pressured.

"Go away!" I yell at them quietly. I so desperately want to be away right now, or at least be able to curl up in a ball and hide, but I and strapped down face first towards them. I try to restraint tears but I feel full of them again, like even if I felt fine they would come out. The doctors probably hydrated me. "Leave me alone!" I say at them.

"We're sorry Tris," says Zeke comfortingly. I guess he probably misses Tobias too, they were best friends. But I can't help it, I hate other people seeing me cry, like the mess I currently am, strained to a hospital bed. I try yanking my right arm away from the cuff knowing its no use, and instantly regretting it.

"Agh!" I wince in pain as I feel something not there before in my right elbow.

"Be careful Tris!" Christina swings a hand over the top of my upper arm and holds it down to prevent me from moving it. "You ripped out your IV when you got up before, and broke a vein. They had to put it back in in your left arm."

I sigh. I'm so stupid, and I just want to drown away right now. Even if I know that my friends are just here to try to help me, I don't want them here. As I hear the heart monitor I remember how sensitive it is. I hold my breath lightly so my friends don't notice and within a few seconds my emergency alarm is beeping. Nurses rush in and push my friends out of the way, and I let sleep take me under.


I wake up peacefully in who knows how long. I still feel the restraints on me but I feel much better. For a moment I forget everything, and look over to see a red, puffy-eyed Christina passed out on a squishy guest chair. I tear up again, more willingly because I know nobody is watching. I did this to Christina, and all my friends. I worried her, and I haven't treated her right ever since I got here, back from the dead. And she probably thinks I'm mad at her, and then I finally remember why again. Tobias. I choke back some tears, I need to leave this hospital, I don't even know how long I've been here. I'm about to reach for the red button to get a nurse in here and then I remember I can't.

I cough loudly. Christina doesn't stir and nobody walks in. I don't know what to say if I wanted to yell something to get someone's attention, so I try to cough louder. Still nothing. I finally give up after one more try and figuring I probably shouldn't hold my breath again, I just yell, "Doctor!"

Christina starts to stir awake and a nurse comes rushing in. "May I help you?" She asks sweetly but frantically.

"Can I get out of here?" I ask, sounding ruder than I initially intended.

"I'll get the doctor," she says, running out of the room.

I nod my head and look to my right. I see Christina staring at me, and when she notices me looking at her she looks away quickly. She doesn't speak for a moment so I decide to.

"I'm sorry," I say in a slightly soft voice. Before I could say anything else she cut me off.

"No," she said, "it's my fault. If I hadn't been moping around I could have been a good friend and supported you. But I didn't, and that was stupid of me."

Before I could respond the what appears to be doctor walks in. "Hello," he greets me. He has a young face with a big chin and forehead, a clean shaved beard and mustache with shaggy, dark, gelled hair that kind of flopped in the front. He also wore a bow tie.

"Hi," I say, not having the patience for a lot of sweet talk. "Can I leave?" I ask him quickly.

"Are you under 18?" He asks me.

"Ye -" he cuts me off.

"Then you need family to check you out," he says.

Christina speaks up for me so I don't have to have another breakdown. "She doesn't have any. I will check her out, though."

The doctor just nods, and scribbles something on a clip board. "Okay, follow me then." The doctor waves Christina over and she glances over at me before walking out the door behind him.

A few minutes later they walk back in. The doctor speaks as Christina gathers up her minimal things with her. "You are dehydrated, but we mostly fixed that. However, if you cry a lot again you need to drink lots of water, about 4 more cups than the normal 8 cups you should be drinking a day. Also you need to gain some weight. You will live with Christina here for the time being and she will take care of you. If you have any questions stop by, I'm Mr. John Smith by the way." And with that he undid the restraints, took out my IV, and walked out of the room.

Christina loudly shuffled through an oversized purse. "Tris, I-I'm sorry, I forgot clothes,- you have to walk in your gown. I know about your fe-" I cut her rambling off.

"It's okay Christina, I'm sure we can take the back ways." She looked over at me and her worried face let a small grin. She came over to me and helped me up. I looked down at the wiggling floor while leaning heavily against her and noticed that at least this gown was longer and a very opaque black color. The world now starting spinning and I let all my body weight fall on her. Luckily the Dauntless training paid off because she barely even budged. Then again I must weigh under 80 pounds, probably less.

"It's okay," she said "lean all your weight on me." She wrapped my uninjured arm around her shoulder and put her right arm around my waist, supporting me. I ever so slowly slugged out of the infirmary with Christina by my side, and we started walking down hallways.

As we were walking I saw Christina looking at room numbers. Then when we got to an end of a hallway Christina peeped around a corner. She gasped and turned around. "Back this way Tris," she said. Her tone made her seem suspicious, and I didn't like it. I pulled back towards the corner.

"No, Tris!" She yanked on my arm as hard as she could to keep me from looking, but it was too late. I saw a tall, muscular, curvy girl with now messy long blonde hair pressed up against a door, with Tobias on top, kissing her.


Thankyou guys for some of the feedback I've been getting! I hope you like my story, and if you have any ideas or comments please comment them!

~> read, vote, comment, and fangirl!<~

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