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Lord Gargoin was walking down the dimly lit grey road.

     He wore a brown colored waistcoat.

     The collar was turned over.

      His necktie was in a delicate bow.

      His brown cotton shirt completed the image of a Gentleman.

      A rich Gentleman.

       He wore brown colored ditto  suit trousers, black boots, and a brown colored Top Hat, made him stand out in the busy road.

         Lord Gargoin looked at his watch piece that was on his right hand.

         Can't be late, he thought.

          Suddenly, a dense fog filled his face.

           "Can't see a thing" the Lord said, sighing.

           He looked around.

            Four lamps illumed the town.

            Then he saw the demons.

             Their red eyes gleamed in the darkness.

              "Hello M'Lord" one of the Demons said.

                "How are you?" Lord Gargoin asked.

                 "Oh, we're fine", the Demon answered, as it slashed the surprised Lord's throat with its long, right claws.

                Blood splattered from the deep wound, as the Lord grabbed at his ripped throat...then he died instantly, as his body thudded to the ground, as the horror had had the eerie sounds of Satan's Bells chimed.


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