Chapter 2

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Mikey's P.O.V:

"You guys never answered my question by the way?" I said suddenly. 

I was holding on to Leatherhead's back. He and Slash we jumping over obstacles and jumping across the rooftops. "Oh, sorry partner. What question did you ask?" replied Slash.

"I was wondering how you guys knew I was in that warehouse fighting the Kraang."

Leatherhead stiffened a little when I finished my statement. "Well, we received a distress call. Me and LH here were pretty close by, so we decided to check it out," answered Slash.

"What were you guys doing?" I asked.

"Oh you know, just hanging out," said Leatherhead.

I nodded. "Wait, you're taking me back to your lair.  But shouldn't I be going back to mine?"

"Don't worry, I gave your brother Donnie a call. He'll come by later and get you," said Slash.

"Okay," I said.


It was dark outside by the time we had finally made it to the Mighty Mutanimal's lair. From entering the front garage doors, it was a pretty cool place. A large skateboarding half pipe is the first thing you see when you walk in. Mondo Gecko was currently doing some tricks on it. A little further on, you could see a Kraang spaceship in the middle of the place. To the right of the spaceship was a set of computers that Dr. Rockwell was typing some stuff on. There was a skylight on the ceiling. It was a pretty cool looking place.

"Mikey! Bro! Wassup!" yelled Mondo as he jumped down from the top of the half pipe.

"Hey Mondo," I said.

I got off of Leatherhead's back. I was in less pain, which meant I could limp over to Mondo who was running to me. "Woah, dude, you okay?" he asked.

We grabbed each other's hand in a respectful manner tightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing really. Just took on an entire warehouse fill of Kraang," I said as I pretended to brush something off my shoulder.

"Woah! A whole warehouse? And I thought I was the crazy one," laughed Mondo.

"Well, I would've been toast if Leatherhead and Slash didn't come to save me," I added.

"Oh, well still, that was pretty radical of you," said Mondo.

I wrapped my left arm around him for better walking support and we started walking to the half pipe.

(A/N But little did Michelangelo know, a certain alligator was watching from a distance.)


Leatherhead's P.O.V:

We had just entered the warehouse. Slash started walking to Dr. Rockwell to give him the equipment. Mikey started walking towards Mondo. And I went to the stairs that was next to the half pipe,  but stopped mid-way up the steps when I heard Mondo ask, "Woah, dude, you okay?"

They grabbed each other's hand as a welcoming gesture. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing really. Just took on an entire warehouse fill of Kraang," said Mikey as he pretended to brush something off his shoulder.

"Woah! A whole warehouse? And I thought I was the crazy one," laughed Mondo.

"Well, I would've been toast if Leatherhead and Slash didn't come to save me," Mikey added.

I smiled at that comment. "Oh, well still, that was pretty radical of you," said Mondo.

I noticed Mikey put his arm around Mondo in a tight manner. 'I thought his leg was feeling better. Why would he wrap his arms around Mondo like that? Unless... no, cut it out Leatherhead. Stop acting this way,' I thought to myself

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