Chapter 6

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Mikey's P.O.V:

After I found out that Leo got me ungrounded, I hugged and praised him for it. But when I did that, he said, "Okay, okay Mikey, you can get off me now. Your acting a little bit gay right now."

And I don't know why he would say that. That's not something to joke about. It's bad enough that I don't know how I feel about it yet. At least now I know how Leo feels about this kind of stuff. I left the kitchen after giving Leo his food and went to my room. I was getting my nunchucks and other stuff I used for fighting incase I got in trouble. And yes, I knew it was morning time and that we shouldn't be out at this time, but I REALLY needed to get out of this place. I grabbed my T-phone and left the lair. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. "Next stop," I said to myself, "The Mighty Mutanimals."

I was walking down the common room where I decided to call April. 'We haven't been hanging out long enough, so why not?' I thought to myself.

I turned on my T-phone and clicked on my contacts. I found April immediately since her name started with "A." I clicked on her contact and called her. She picked up quickly. "Hey Mikey, what's up?"

"You wanna hang out later today?" 

"Well, I was just gonna sit down and watch TV all day since it's Saturday. But hey, why not? So sure, let's hang out."

"Cool. Can you meet me at the Mighty Mutanimals lair?" I asked.

"Ooooh, is that so? Why would you want us to meet there?" asked April in a humored voice.

"There's just one more person I want to bring along."

"Who?" asked April.


April paused for a second. "Oh," she said, sounding a little disappointed.

"'Oh?' What do you mean 'oh?' Who did you think I was talking about?" I asked.

"I... nobody. Mondo is the perfect person to join us," said April, returning to her previous tone.

"Cool, see you there."


I left the lair and started taking the route to the home of the Mighty Mutanimals.

------------- 8:17 am

Leatherhead's P.O.V:

I woke up from my sleep. I hated waking up, because then I couldn't feel the numbness of sleeping. And I was sore. This was because of the countless hours that we, the Mighty Mutanimals, spent patrolling and fighting the Kraang. It was exhausting. Dr. Rockwell suggested that we call the turtles, but Slash disagreed, saying stuff like, "Taking down the Kraang is the sole duty for the Mighty Mutanimals," and, "They deserve a break from fighting the foot all the time."

Personally, I don't think they would've mind. But it doesn't really matter. I got off my bed and opened the garage door to my room. Since I was sore, it took me a while to get it open. I looked outside and saw Dr. Rockwell on his computers doing something. "Hey Rockwell, what time is it?" I asked.

But since he was across the room, I had to slightly raise my voice. And so did Rockwell. "It's 8:19 am, friend. Why? You have somewhere to be?"

Rockwell chuckled to himself, knowing very well that I'm not going anywhere. I didn't respond to his question and walked slowly down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I did a 180 to my right and continued walking. I made a left to the room adjacent to our common room, and our dining area was right in sight. According to Michelangelo, our dining area looked similar to that of a small cafeteria you would see at school. But I had no idea what he was taking about. When I got there, I saw that Mondo was already eating cereal. He seemed to have been tired as well. "Are you okay, my friend?" I asked.

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