Chapter 5

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Raph's P.O.V:

I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when Mikey texted me. 

Mikester: Hey Raph, wats up? 

RadicalRaph: Yo brah. Nothing much. Just making a sandwich. 

Mikester: Cool cool. Anyways, u know wats been up with Leo? 

RadicalRaph: Nah, he hasn't told me anything. 

Mikester: Dang, okay then, ttyl.

RadicalRaph: K

Truth be told, I did know what was going on with Leo. It was nothing bad, he was just being dramatic. He has a crush on Karai, and he thinks it will never work because she's a mutant snake and he's a mutant turtle. And the fact that they're technically brother and sister. But I think it's possible. We're both in the reptile family, and they're adopted siblings. In other words, it can work. I finished making my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sat down. I got another text from Mikey.

Mikester: Hey Raph, can I ask u something?

RadicalRaph: If it's another question about Leo forget it, I don't know anything.

Mikester: Nah, it's something else.

RadicalRaph: Oh. Then shoot.

Mikester: Okay so u no how some people like their own gender? Like people who say they part of the LGBT community?

RadicalRaph: Sure. Why do you ask?

Mikester: It's because I think someone we know might be apart of it.

I screamed internally. I loved these kinds of gossip. It's always so interesting.

RadicalRaph: Really? Who?

Mikester: I don't want to say unless I'm completely sure.

I groaned. But I understood what he was trying to say.

Mikester: Anyway, what would you do if you found out someone we knew was gay?

RadicalRaph: Why they gotta be gay for? Why can't they be Lesbian? HUH!?

I loved messing with Mikey in these situations. 

Mikester: Um, well...

RadicalRaph: I'm just joshing you. I wouldn't really care. It wouldn't change much. But at least I know the person you think is LGBT is male. Hehehe...

Mikester: ...

RadicalRaph: Okay, well, peace out.

Mikester: Bye

'Hmm, what is that kid up to?' I thought.

----------------  3 DAYS LATER

7:57 am (I'm gonna start putting time stamps)

Leo's P.O.V:

I had woken up from a deep slumber. I was tired. I yawned and got up. I opened my door and smelled something good. "Is that bacon?"

I grabbed my katanas and sheathed them. I know I didn't need to, but I didn't like being separated from my swords. I left my room and walked to the kitchen. As I got closer, I could start recognizing the smells. There was indeed bacon. Eggs, toast, and something else I couldn't quite recognize. I entered the kitchen and saw Mikey cooking. Raph was sitting down and was eating egg and toast. Donnie wasn't there yet, but there seemed to have been a plate in the spot that he was always sitting at. There was no food at my spot. "Um, Mikey, I think you forgot my plate. Again. For the third time this week," I informed.

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