Chapter 21

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Leo's P.O.V:

9:13 am

I whispered to Raph to follow me when we finished training. He did so and I led him outside the lair. "Does something seem off about Mikey?" I asked.

Raph thought for a second. "I mean, he did seem a little aggressive in training today. You think we should be worried?"

"I'm not sure..." I answered uneasily.

"What do you think is making him act this way?"

"That's the part I'm not sure about. Maybe it's the big change of not having any enemies? Maybe he's still traumatized from being kidnapped? I want to ask him but he might not tell us the truth, ya know?" I explained.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe we can keep watching him, and wait for the right moment to call him out," suggested Raph.

"Yeah, good idea," I agreed.

Raph then remembered something, "I heard April was gonna try and convince Mikey to go out. Maybe I'll join them to get a better idea at what's happening with him."

"Alright. Let me know what you find out," I said,

Raph left to go do what he usually does as did I.


Mondo's P.O.V:

7:00 am

I've been texting Mikey for the past few days. He responds, but it's always in short sentences and the conversations aren't long. 'What is going on with him?' I thought to myself as I looked at the last text I sent him last night; a "You there?" text.

I was in the central room on the half pipe where I skate. I was just laying in the middle when I saw Leatherhead sulking as he was walking down the stairs. Leatherhead has been acting up lately too. I swear, if these two keep acting the way they are, I'm gonna lose it.

"Hey, Mondo, you got a minute?" I heard a gruff voice ask from behind me. I turned to see my leader Slash.

"Sure. Got nothing to do," I replied.

"Just wanted confirmation, you've noticed Leatherhead acting strange, right?"

My eyes lit up. I was so happy I wasn't the only one who noticed this. "Oh my god thank you! I didn't think anyone but me saw it."

Slash chuckled, "Well don't worry, you're not alone."

"Alright, so from my perspective, Leatherhead has been distant," I began.

"Distant? I was thinking reclusive," interrupted Slash.

"No no, my dear friends, the correct adjective is troubled," said a voice from above.

Slash and I looked up to see an upside down Rockwell. "Morning Rockwell," I greeted.

Rockwell nodded, "Greetings. I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between you two. My input is that Leatherhead is troubled."

"How do you know?" I asked, but then mentally smacked myself because the answer was obvious.

"Um, telepathy? Did you not..." began Rockwell, but I cut him off, "I- don't do that. I know what you can do."

Rockwell chuckled to himself, knowing very well my sass was all in good faith. "Anyways, after feeling his emotions, I can say with certainty that he is troubled. I don't know by what, because I didn't go too far into his mind."

"Well I tried talking to him and he didn't budge. At this point, if he doesn't let us help him, we'll just do it anyway," stated Slash firmly.

"Totally. But I don't want to do anything that'll upset him more than he already is," I added.

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