Chapter 18

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Mikey's P.O.V:

11:30 am

I had left the room to give Yourik and Subprime privacy, as did everyone else. Leo began discussing with Slash on the current situation. I, though, decided I've had enough of all this. I needed to eat some food. I haven't eaten in like 2 days.

"Hey Mikey," called Mondo, "Where you going?"

"I'm hungry. I was gonna help myself to some of your food. Is that alright?" I asked.

"Of course. But I'm coming with you," stated Mondo.

I shook my head, "Actually, I was hoping I could eat by myself. I need some alone time to think."

Mondo frowned. "Oh... okay. Well, if that's what you want."

I nodded. "Talk to ya later, Mondo."

"Hold up, I still have one question," said Mondo.

I turned around. Mondo got closer and whispered in my ear, "Did you tell Leatherhead you like him? Ya know, since you spent literally an entire day kidnapped with him."

I wanted to. It wasn't the right time to, so I didn't tell Leatherhead at all. Although, in my defense, how do you tell someone you like them when being in the situation we were in? 

"Well, it wasn't exactly on my mind," I answered, "For starters, I had thought you were dead. Then I thought Subprime was gonna kill everyone else. Then I started worrying about my safety. So it hasn't really been the topic of discussion. Anyways I'm really hungry, so I'm gonna go."

I left Mondo standing where he was. Don't get me wrong, I am relieved that he's alive. But right now, I'm a little cautious. I still remember my conversation with Leatherhead. He and literally everyone else knew about the attack on Subprime, and nobody had the decency to at least tell me.

This always happens. I'm excluded from something because everyone either lies to me about it, or never tells me. "Kinda like me with my preference," I muttered.

I groaned, "God I'm such a hypocrite."

I headed off the to dining room. As I entered, I saw Leatherhead eating food. 'So that's where he went,' I thought.

And next to him was Rockwell tending to Leatherhead's wounds. The zap marks from the Kraang laser sticks had left pretty bad burns on his body, so Rockwell must've been cleaning and patching them up.

I went into the pantry and when I came in there, all my stuff that I left in there was missing. My nunchucks, my phone, and Casey's clothes. "Actually I could care less about the clothes."

I left the pantry and asked Leatherhead and Rockwell, "Hey, did you guys see any of my stuff in the pantry?"

Leatherhead shook his head. "Sorry Michelangelo, I saw nothing."

"Actually yes. They're in my lab. They should be on a table, you can't miss it," answered Rockwell.

"Alright thanks," I said.

As I was leaving, Leatherhead said, "Are you alright? You seem a little upset."

"Leatherhead, just... don't worry about me, alright? I'm fine," I lied.

I was not fine, but I wasn't ready to talk about it just yet.

I left before Leatherhead could ask me another question.

I headed off to Rockwell's lab. I looked at a table that had my nunchucks, my phone, and Casey's clothes. I dug through Casey's clothes and found my utility belt. I equipped it and tucked my nunchucks right where they belong. "Ah, much better."

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