Ten feet under ground.

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~Addie's P.o.v~

What the fuck? I thought realizing I was covered in dirt, I started to claw my way out of the dirt till I reached the surface. it was dark.... but I could see perfectly so I started to look around I realized I was in a fucking cemetery!

Wait a minute how the fuck did I get here???? Wait a minute who the fuck am I!?!?!?!?, I started to panic when it cut my tongue on something in my mouth.

I reach up to feel what it was. it was my tooth? It was more like fang. so what I suppose to fucking be? a vampire!?!?.

I started to walk around the streets but then I started to run I don't know why I just... I just did, I started to run till I got to Missouri.. well that was fast. just then I got a terrible pain in my stomach and I let out a scream and man that look like he was in his 20's ran up to me asking if I was ok but I had just one thing on my mind and that was blood. I wanted blood i needed blood.

I grabbed the man by his throat with one hand and he started to scream I cracked his neck with ease like I've done it a million times before... I sank my fangs into his neck. it was just so delicious I couldn't explain it. slowly the pain went away. I searched his pockets and found a pocket knife.

I walked over to a dumpster nearby and started chopping my hair off.

( A/N the girl on the cover is what Addie now looks like as a vampire but still has the same eyes as before just way brighter)

After I was done I looked down to see what I was wearing, it was a red tank top and black ripped jeans and converse. I also found some feathers in my hair I touched them when something back me saying I love you to someone I couldn't see there face but I felt a pain in my heart from musing them, I let my hand drop to the side.

A few minutes later of walking I found a police station.. maybe they could help? I checked my clothes and there was luckily no blood and the same for my face so I walked in.

I walked up to a female police officer and asked "c-can you help me?" I played scared but I really wasn't.

"Of course sweetie what's the matter" she asked and put her hand on my shoulder but I flinched away for some reason I feel like I'm suppose to hate the cops.

"I can't remember who I am or anything" I say and pretend to cry

"Come here sweetie I'm going to do a finger scan to see if we can find out" she says and she takes my finger and puts on some kinda finger scan thingy.

"That odd" she says "what is?"

"Your not in our data base" she says

"W-what?" I say and she says hold on and goes to talk to another officer. she comes back with the other officer and says " sweetie we are going to have you stay with one off our officers and there family and try to find out who you are.. ok?"

"Ok" I sniffed .. God I hate pretending to be helpless it makes me pissed

"Ok we are going to have you go home with officer Hank Bratson.

She says and gestures to the officer beside her and I nod.

I was in the car with the officer and asked " so do you remember anything your name your age?" and I nod my head no "you look about 17 do you agree?" he says and I look into the cars mirror and nod my head yes "can you think of a name My family and I can call you?" he asks and I think about the name Addalyn comes to my head but I didn't like it.

"No can you think of anything?" I ask

"Um how about...Melanie?"

"That's beautiful ok" I say and smile, he turns into a two story house and turns off the car.

Once we are in the house there is a women and a little girl watching t.v.

"Sweetheart this over her is Melanie she is going to be staying her because we are doing an investigation on her that I will talk with you later about, Melanie this is my wife Carrie Bratson but please call us Hank and Carrie and that little one over there is Susie" he says and looks around and says "where's the boy"

"Who knows probably off into trouble" Carrie says and the Hank sighs and walks upstairs

"Please sit tell us about yourself" Carrie says and I sit beside them "well uh my name is Melanie"

"That's all" the little girl says

"That's all I can remember" I say and look down "oh I'm so sorry sweetie you can stay here as long as you want in a little while I'll show you where your going to stay..ok?" she says and I smile "ok..how long have you lived here?"

"About a month" she replies sweetly and then Susie comes up to me

"Will you pway wit me?" Susie asks and I nod my head yes and she drags me to her room.

"This is jane" she says and hands me Barbie doll and for some reason when she said that name i wanted to rip it's head off, she started to name off her others but I couldn't keep up.. because damn that's hole lot of Barbie dolls.

We were playing barbies when I picked up a doll and asked "is this on cherry?"

"Noooo that one is Mary" she said giggling "ooh his this one cherry?" I say and hold up a male Barbie doll

"Noooo that's a guy!" she said giggling and I gasp

"It is!" I say and she nods and I start to tickle her.

"S-stop pwease I G-g-gONNA PEE IZ S-serious"

"Awe oki fine" I pouted and she hugs me .

"Susie time for bed and Melanie I'll show you your room" Carrie says

She walks me to a room and when she opens it it's a room that's all in pink my eyes expand in horror and she laughs.

"If you don't like it we can change it" she says and I nod my head "yes please" I say barley above a whisper

"Tomorrow I'm going to take you shopping we can get stuff for your room then no if ands or butts" she say and I sigh and say ok "goodnight Melanie" "goodnight"

She turns out the lights and leaves and I slowly let the darkness consume me.

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