A Small mistake

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Optimus sent Bumblebee and Arcee on patrol to make sure nothing was out of place, it took Arcee a while but she soon realized that they had entered a forest and that forest was the same forest that she found Airachnid and her crashed pod a while back when she was scouting with Jack. Arcee was on edge the whole time they were scoping the area Bee didn't notice till he felt a tugging feeling in his chest. He pushed the feeling away until it came back a little stronger than the last time, the scout didn't like the feeling and didn't want to ask about it. In past experiences the two wheeler got mad at times when Bee asked about it so he pushed the feeling down again making the feeling soon faded.

An hour later Bumblebee felt the tugging feeling through their spark bond again, this time the mech was worried about Arcee the feeling was stronger than the last two times. Bee felt that if he kept pushing the feeling away it would only come back stronger making the mech worry more about his spark mate. Bee couldn't take anymore of the consistent tugging feeling and broke the silence between the two. "Arcee, are you ok? Your seem stressed about something what's bothering you?"

Arcee jumped when she felt a servo on her shoulder. She looked back to find Bumblebee looking down at her with worried optics. She slowly relaxed at the sound of his voice, shortly after Soundwave brought Bee back they found out that the decepticon fixed the scouts voice box. Once again she could hear his masculine tone with a slight British accent that she remembered back on Cybertron, their home.

"I guess I'm just a little scared, this is where Airachnid's pod crashed and last time I saw her she told me it wouldn't be me she would go after. She took Tailgate from me and I almost lost Jack to her and I'm afraid to lose you Bee...I....I can't lose you...." her voice trailed off.

The black and yellow mech comforted her and held her close. Arcee started to cry into Bees chassis, images of Tailgate and Cliffjumper overwhelmed her processor . The scout stood there holding her close and left small kisses on her helm comforting her the best he could. Shortly after Arcee calmed down and with her feeling better they were able to focus back on their patrol. They decided to split up to cover more ground so they could finish their patrol and get back to base.

Bee looked around as he heard sounds behind him. He laughed as he figured it was his little two wheeler trying to scare him. He turned around and acted like he hadn't heard her and he continued to walk. The scout heard steps behind him as he turned around to grab Arcee he was hit and fell to the ground in a slight stasis lock. Gears and plates were being moved and messed with as he heard them hit one another his optics had been shut off by who ever hit him disabling him from seeing who it was. By the time Bumblebee got them back online the person who hit him was gone as he looked up he noticed his view was a bit different from where he stood. He thought it was because he was sitting but he threw the thought away.

The mech turned his helm to see his spark mate he opened his mouth to call out to her but no sound came. As Bee took a step towards her he felt himself lose control over his frame and processor.

Arcee looked over to notice something charging at her it was on all fours but stood tall and had red optics and a jaw full of razor sharp teeth. Just in the distance she noticed something else behind the charging blur....

One Small MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now