Fourth of July

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Happy Fourth of July!, I hope everyone is having a great day

"Go on my loyal beast terminate the one who tried to extinguish my spark, who extinguished your creators sparks. Kill Optimus Prime, he is the one who caused all your suffering. Optimus Prime never helped you he blinded you of your true power, he knew what you were and didn't want you to know. After you terminate him you can move on to Arcee, that femme blinded you more than the Prime she was trying to soften you."

A deep mechanical growl emanated from the figure that hung low to the ground. The crimson optics locked onto those that belonged to the helpless prime that lay on the ground. The figure emerged from the shadows slowly creeping along the wall of trees. It changed direction and started to head for the prime leaving the shadows. Prime looked at the creature that came stalking towards him, the jaws hung open revealing the fangs covered in Energon. The Energon was a mix of bright blue and dark, some of it dried while some still fresh.

Just as the creature was about to seal the primes fate a blur came from behind the Prime tackling the big creature. As the sound of metal hitting the the ground sounded a roar of anger rose from the beast.

"BEE, Snap out of it you need to regain control of yourself don't let Airachnid control you. I know your in there Bee please fight it."

"It's too late Arcee, your little Bumblebug has been lost, he tried to tell you to warn you and you only pushed him away you didn't listen. Now you will see how it is to lose someone precious to you, just as I did, it will hurt but in time you will learn to forget it. Pain fuels power, you soon will understand"

"You didn't forget it! You let it cloud your mind you never asked for the help, your the one who pushed others away Airachnid you didn't want to feel weak!"

A whirring noise rose from the creature beneath Arcee, within seconds the creature bit Arcee's arm. She let out a cry of pain as Energon started to leak from the bite. Arcee loosened her grip as the pain took over, the mind controlled Bee wriggled free and knocked Arcee across the opening and into a tree stump. The two wheeler stood struggling to intake air. Across from her was the K-9 ready to attack and put a end to her.

"Your in pain let me help you, I have a one way ticket to THE ALLSPARK!"

The mechanical dog charged knocking her over, Arcee struggled to keep her strength. As she held her arms up pushing to keep the creature from reaching her spark, her arms threatened to give out if she keep up this act. The femme used her blades and cut the dog's snout causing it to retreat for a moment.

Arcee finally got Energon to leak from the damn thing but that didn't stop it. It charged again at Arcee but was knocked off course by Optimus. He joined Arcee and helped her up as the K-9 came back and faced them both.

"Give it up Airachnid your minion can't take us both on, give us back Bee and you get to live another day"

"That's where your mistaken Prime, my minion, your Bumblebee can take on both of you. My original plan was to terminate you Prime but I might jut get a two for one deal. My creation can do what Megatron couldn't, extinguish your spark and that he very well will do. Oh my where are my manners, is there something you want to say before you fall Prime"

"One shall stand, one shall fall"

Optimus fired a shot as Airachnid's minion jumped at him, it took the shot but landed on the prime. Without hesitation it ripped out Primes spark, it rose it's head to look at Arcee. Bits and pieces of Optimus's spark fell from its mouth as Energon coated the teeth and dripped from them while energon coated the creatures snout. Arcee met the creatures optics with terror, she fought to look away but couldn't take the chance.

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