Some Words Are More Powerful Than Others

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Five months had come and gone and Elita and Optimus were soon expecting a mini them in a month. Everyone was excited especially Arcee And Chromia after all it was their sister. Bumblebee was more cautious of what he was doing, at times he would disappear from the base leaving Raf questioning were his guardian was and Arcee questioning were her partner was.

Bee sat a ways away from the base on a cliff with his optics closed. He listened to Alduin speak to him, Alduin had said something in a different language and it slightly confused Bee but for some reason he understood what Alduin was saying.

"Alduin what kind of language is that? I've never seen it in anywhere"
"It's an ancient Language, I don't expect you to understand it after all it's was something I alone learned by myself and it took time"
"I do understand what you say though which is why I asked"
" can understand it?"
"How Daar Fod Kas impossible"
"Well you are part of me so I'm not surprised"
"You make a fair point"
"Can you teach me something in the language"
"No, but I can teach you how to meditate on three of the words"
"Meditating that's boring"
"It is not it allowed me to so many great things that I can't preform with you body due to you don't know it"
"Fine...then teach me"
"Which word do you wish to learn first, Yol, Feim, or Fus"
"Let's start with Yol"
"Very well then, Yol means 'Fire' it is change given form. Power at its most primal. Think of this when you hear or think of Yol. Su'um ahrk morah. What will you burn? What will you spare? That it the meaning of Yol"

"What about Feim?"

"Feim means 'Fade'. Mortals or humans have great affinity of this word then me or anyone else who learned this language. Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains. That is the meaning of Feim, do you wish to Meditate of the word Fus?"

"Yes, give me more knowledge on this language that I don't know and see no point in learning these words they won't do me any good"
"Shut up! Quit being ungrateful!"
"I'm not I just don't see the point in these words"
"They will help you later on now shut up and store this last word in the small mind of yours"
"It's not small!"
"Just be quite now"

"Fus means 'Force'. But as you push the world, so does the world push back. That is Fus or in other words Force"
"Again I don't see the point in them but thank you for the information"

As Bee sat there now relaxed and thinking and memorizing each word and meaning Alduin had given him. Bee didn't see the point in the words but he wasn't going to argue at least he got to learn three of the words in the language the crazy wolf knew. As Bee continued to sit there he didn't pay attention to the bot that was stalking behind him. As the bot reached out to grab the black and yellow bot he transformed and Alduin took over yelling something sending the bot flying back.


The Bumblebee was speechless about what he just saw. Then many questions started to run through the bots mind. As Bee as about to ask a question Alduin said another word as the bot climbed back up the cliff.


Bee them got a good look at the bot it was Dreadwing. What was he doing out here??! Bee waited for the bot to spot him but it never happened Dreadwing just left. It was confusing until Alduin told him it was time to head back to the base. When they got back everybody turned to look and see who came through the base doors but there was no one. Everyone then turned to the center on the main room where Bumblebee in Alduin's form appeared out of thin air as if he teleported or was just invisible. He could tell everyone want to question him but he didn't let them, he turned for the halls wanting to lay in his berth. Halfway down the half a small frame was in front of him. Bee looked up to see the purple and pink femme, Solar, she was the new rookie instead of Smokescreen she was here when Bee got Alduin's ear sliced with a katana when Bee accidentally caught Wheeljack and Ratchet interfacing. Solar had become Smokescreen's spark mate three months ago, she was very nice and good on the field but she was scared to death of Alduin's form. When Bee looked up to come face to face with the quivering femme they locked a stare for a minute. Solar was a little smaller than Arcee, and Bee in Alduin's form was a foot taller than her. Bee then felt himself grow tired and he stepped aside and started walking again down the hall reaching his room.

Solar dared to look behind her has the giant creature moved past her. She watched as he walking down the hall and into his room. Bee was so kind to her when he was in his bot mode why wasn't he when he was that giant wolf. No doubt though that form was scary and she never did hear how Bee got that form.

Bee jumped up onto his berth and curled up to make himself comfy and felt himself start to fall asleep. As he was about to enter a recharge he felt himself get cold, he hated it when they happened. Just when he was about to give up on the idea of a good recharge but Alduin took over again, once again the spirit said the last of the three words he told Bee. Before Bee's vision fire appeared before him, Alduin looked down and slowly blew the fire onto his body. Bee started feeling warm and it was amazing, the warmth quickly made Bee feel tired. So with Bee now back in control he laid down as the giant wolf and fell asleep with warmth surrounding him. Within a matter of second Bee was recharging and was at peace going over the words again, each time he thought of a word a image of today appeared, first Alduin throwing Dreadwing over the edge of the cliff, then Alduin made him disappear, and finally Alduin had fire appear from his jaws and warmed up himself and Bee. Maybe Alduin was right maybe these words are useful, Bee wondered if they would be useful in a fight. Then Bee got a idea, he would have Smokescreen face him tomorrow in a practice battle, poor Smokescreen won't know what hit him.

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