Losing Control pt.4 Revealing the Truth

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Megatron told Knockout that he was responsible for watching and making sure Bumblebee didn't do anything. Bee had changed into Alduin's form and followed the medic to his quarters. They both felt uneasy about it but Knockout didn't want to leave Bee in the med bay by himself. The medic knew the Autobot wouldn't run he made that clear when he was talking to Knockout.

When the medic laid down on the berth he laid facing the wall. He felt as if he was being watched, he cautiously looked over his shoulder to see the metal wolf asleep. As he turned back to the wall he slowly fell into a recharge. Bee opened his optics once he heard Knockout settled back down, he felt another presence that stood behind him. He knew who it was and saw them not as a threat and drifted into recharge.

The morning came quickly, Bee was peacefully still in recharge but lifted his helm up quickly when he heard footsteps. Knockout was standing up after waking up and stretched.

"Sorry Bumble didn't mean to wake you"

Bee turned his head in confusion at the nickname Knockout used. The two then left the quarters and went to the med bay, before they got there they were stopped. Before anyone could do anything Megatron grabbed the wolf and pushed him up against a wall. The warlord quickly let go while yelping pain as teeth were dug into his neck cables again. Megatron has enough time to shoot Bumblebee before going into shock, the shot hit Bee and knocked him back but caused him no harm.

"He charged first you saw it I only defended myself and if you ask me this is no better time to escape and run!"

Bumblebee quickly set off down that hall, Knockout looked at Megatron and then followed the figure down the hall. Once they got to the cons ground bridge Knockout put in coordinations and opened the bridge. Bee's optics lit up and he ran through without hesitation, the cherry mech came through to see the robotic animal running in circles.

"Ah yes, the sand has never felt so nice"
"It's nice but bad for the paint"
"Oh come on Knocky forget the paint for once and just have fun"

Bee quickly transformed to his bot mode and pushed Knockout off the road and into the sand.

"It's fun once you get your tires use to it"

Bee transformed back into the mech wolf letting a metallic bark reach the cons audio receptors. Knockout hesitated, bee ran off ahead leaving the con by himself, Knockout hated two things being left alone and losing a race. He transformed and sped up trying to catch Bee, he soon caught up but was left in the dust again. The two raced through the desert for a few hours, they were racing when they saw a mountain appear in front of their sand track. Knockout quickly slammed on his brakes in time, as Bee tried to stop he couldn't something was controlling him as he was about to slam into the mountain boosters appeared on his sides as he turned and pushed off from the mountain and landed on the ground.

"Woah, what was that?!"
"I don't know I've never done that before, we should find the base and get in there before Bucket Head comes and finds us and takes my helm and returns you to that pit he calls a ship"

The two drove/ran in the direction the Autobot base was in, as they got closer a voice came to Bee.

-What are you doing young one you are putting this one at risk-
-Alduin I must help him, he was mentally dying on that ship it's not right for him to suffer. I'm getting him to base and then I'm leaving again no one will see me-

The two came to the base, Bee transformed back to his bot mode stretching then opening the hidden door letting Knockout in. Bumblebee walked in slowly looking around to make sure nothing was wrong, the red mech noticed the black and yellow mechs uneasiness.

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