Behind the mask

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Soundwave walked into the base after a noon flight. He walked in to see a fuming prime stomp off dragging two very unlucky bots behind him. The two wheeler Arcee and the wrecker Bulkhead. Soundwave grinned behind his mask, only one had ever seen him without his mask on. He had been with the Autobots for two years now and only one bot knew everything about the silent mech. He made the very decision to join the Autobots after he brought Bumblebee back.

The scout knew that The ex-con could talk and he tried hard to get Soundwave to stop using voice recordings and use his actual voice. The mech refused for the longest of time until he felt trusted by the Autobot team. The whole team was surprised and even still they trusted him but he still refused to take off the mask even after Bee pleaded. Soundwave was perfectly fine with the team knowing he had a voice. The ex-con was still wary of the teams sudden trust in him after all he was the eyes and ears of the decepticons.


The team didn't alway trust him though the first time he ever met the Autobots without having to fight was when he brought Bee back. The scout was in a near death experience with Megatron while he was on the ship. The black and yellow mech had no weapons to use and couldn't transform leaving him defenseless against the war lord.

When Soundwave saved the small scout he was battered and broken. Leaving the con no other choice but to return the injured scout. When the con got the scout back to the Autobots they didn't trust him at all. All of them wanted to shoot him down and rip out his spark for kidnapping their scout. He wasn't surprised by it after all he did steal the bot from them and brought him back in rough conditions.

Shortly after Bee was repaired the con was given the option to leave or stay and join the Autobots. He decided to stay only to be sure nothing would happen to the scout. Optimus gave him strict rules to follow which Soundwave didn't like but he learned to follow them for the safety of the others. A few months into being an Autobot the prime removed the rules. Seeing that the ex-con has adapted well to the ways of an Autobot and learned to help his team anyway he could.


Soundwave watched the prime drag the two bots behind him and throwing them in their quarters.
What they put in his energon this morning?
The mech continued to walk on to see Starscream, Smokescreen, Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus standing around something. As he got closer he saw Ratchet bent down over a few pieces of broken wall. The ex-con then saw the black and yellow plating belonging to the scout underneath the rubble.
"I need to get him to the med bay"
Ratchet looked up to Soundwave.
"Can you help me get him out of the rubble and to the med bay?"
The mech quickly started pulling off pieces of wall and helped the medic with the bigger ones. Soundwave carefully picked up the scout and carried him over to the med bay laying Bee on a medical berth.
"Thank you Soundwave"
Soundwave looked at the scout and then to the medic who started looking Bee over.
"What happened"
The medic sighed he himself had only just found out about what happened between Bee and Airachnid. The medic didn't know if it was the right thing to do after all Bumblebee came to Ratchet about it not Optimus or anyone else.

But besides Optimus and Ratchet, Soundwave cared just as much as they did for the scout.
"He was attacked by Airachnid, some kind of malfunction happened causing Bee to lose control of himself"
Ratchet kept the new addition to Bee hidden, the medic knew Soundwave wouldn't say anything about it but Ratchet felt that it would be better to keep as many bots or people out of it as he could.
"Airachnid!... and a malfunction, what happen did he hit his helm too hard trying to save the day?"
"I don't know Soundwave I know just as much as you do"
The mech sighed wishing he had been there to help Bumblebee. The grumpy medic tried many times to get the mech off of the med bay floor and to go recharge in his quarters. The mech only refused not wanting anything to happen to the scout that lay in stasis on the medical berth.

A few hours pass and the mech awoke from a quick recharge to hear something moving behind him. Soundwave looked behind him to see the scout sitting up and trying to leave. The ex-con stood up and stopped the scout getting an upset look.
"You need to rest, Ratchets orders"
The scout struggled to get his words out, he was having a harder time getting air. If Bulkhead had hit Bee any harder he probably would have damaged the scouts spark. Poor Bee Soundwave thought, he didn't know about the fight with Bulkhead. He only knew of the fight with Airachnid, as the mech looked over to the dent and cracked wall.

He tried to piece together how bits of the wall fell the first thought that came to his head was Bee was wrestling Bulkhead. Bee likes to do that kind of thing with Bulk but they always got out of hand. Most of them ending with the scout getting hurt or getting something broken.

Soundwave returned his attention to the scout laying on the berth.
"Do you feel any better?"
"Does you were run Megatron a couple...hundred times count.."
Soundwave couldn't help but laugh at the mechs joke.
"No, I don't think so"
Bee laughed lightly
"I guess I feel....a little better,...I still feel like.....Megatron ran though"
As Bee still struggles to get his words out he was slowly getting better.
"Well just rest for now, Ratchet said you should be back to normal in a few more hours or a day depending how much you push yourself. So I suggest not pushing yourself too much and only talk if you need too"
Bee nodded and smiled lightly as he slowly went into a recharge. Soundwave watched the scout drift off, once he was out the mech left the med bay heading back to his quarters to relieve Laserbeak and Ravage's boredom.

As he opened the door the cybercat ran to greet him happy to see his master. Soundwave looked over to see Laserbeak resting, the mech picked up Ravage and carried him to the berth. Sitting down with the cybercat in his servos staring ahead at the door.
"What's wrong master?" The simbiote asked looking up at his oddly quiet master
"Nothing Ravage, nothing at all"
Soundwave pet the cybercat as it curl up in the mechs lap.
"I felt presence of another simbiote, at least I think it was its power was much stronger than mine and Laserbeak's"
Soundwave looked down at his simbiote with confusion.
"What did you say?"
"Another simbiote I felt its presence but it's power was stronger than mine and Laserbeak's"

Laserbeak chimed in before Ravage could say anything he would regret.
"But it wasn't a simbiote it was just one of the bots, couldn't tell which one but it did have a strong power signal"
Soundwave listened to Laserbeak before he laid down on the berth. The mech felt Ravage snuggle up next to him to stay warm. Soundwave closed his optics trying to think about what Ravage had said.
Another simbiote that cant be possible none of the Autobots have one
As the mech tried to think more about it he slipped into recharge letting the thoughts and images leave him. Only hearing the faint peaceful tune Bee played when he relaxed.

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