Sealing Fate

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Bumblebee over the next week mastered the three words and started using them for good and would defeat any minions of Megatron. Every though he had defeated Megatron still one thing was on Bees mind. Shatter was still alive but must be weak from their last fight, and Arachnid was still out there. She started this all and Bee wanted to finish it, he couldn't take anymore of the fear of having someone get hurt due to her.

Bee was sitting next to Ironhide and the three ex- decepticons. Ravage was in Bees lap curled up and sleeping, earlier he was chasing Ravage as Alduin. As The black and yellow bot listened to Ironhide talking about something that Bee didn't understand he heard another voice over Hides. He heard it a second time and turned and found the source of the voice, he gently put Ravage on the ground and walked over to Arcee who was by the exit of the base. They both transformed and exited the base speeding off down the road.

They where now driving through a forest at a slower pace now due to the amount of trees. The Camaro slammed on its brakes causing the motor bike to do the same thing, Arcee pulled up next to Bee wondering why they stopped.

"What's wrong Bee?"

Without says my anything Bee transformed and then turned to Alduin's form. Bee and Alduin knew what was going on but they both had to make sure Arcee was ok and that they took care of the matter quickly. Bee turned his helm to Arcee and placed a paw on her pede as he said one word.


Arcee then became invisible and was the colors of the trees and ground. Bee knew where she was but they wouldn't, the wolf bot walked forward waiting for something.

Then a Red figure shot out at him, Bee quickly shot them back using 'Fus' but that didn't stop the other figure from jumping onto Bee from the other side. Shatter stood up looking at the trees she broke after being sent flying. She could see Airachnid on top on the creature trying to sting him with the poison they made that would kill Bee once and for all.

Alduin took over and turned his helm and grabbed one of the spider femme's legs and threw her into the ground. He saw Shatter coming at him from the side and Airachnid coming at him from the front. His last resort would help him for a short amount of time but should make this quick and easy.


Fire then appeared out of Alduin's jaws and he made a circle around himself. He then leaped out standing in the fire and grabbed Shatter dragging her in the circle. She was on her back looking up at the creature that was going to end her story here.

"You have done well but you have reached you ends but don't worry their will be another life for you. But that depends on Primus, for he may give you the same ending as Megatron, farewell old foe"

Alduin sinked his jaws into Shatter neck ripping important cables and then ripping out her spark. He watched as the femmes optics faded to grey, it happened to everyone today it happened to be her, Airachnid was next no matter if Arcee was the one that should end her. With one throw he sent Shatter flying out of the ring and in front of Airachnid. The spider femme looked up at the fire ring and watched it fade to nothing. In a matter of seconds Alduin launches at Airachnid getting easy access to her spark and ripping it out in a matter of seconds. Easy prey, Alduin could see just seconds before the kill the fear in the femmes optics. Now underneath him lay a lifeless Airachnid and next to him was a lifeless Shatter.

Arcee then appeared behind him looking shocked, he knew why he just killed both Shatter and Airachnid. He had Fire appear out of no where, made Arcee disappear, then used force and shot Shatter back. That was something no bot could do. Alduin turned Bee back to his form and let Bee take control. Bee walked up to Arcee, Arcee couldn't take her optics off the lifeless husks that was behind them.

"It's over now no more fights, we can finally focus on bringing Cybertron back to life and we can go home"

"How did you do that?!"
"It wasn't me, it was Alduin but he only did it for the best he protected you and stopped the nonsense of fighting everyday"

Archer only nodded, she was still in shock at how fast the battle went she had never seen that happen.

"Let go home"

They both transformed and drove off back towards base. When they where about to enter Alduin asked him to wait to go in, so Bee sent Arcee in and he turned around and drove off towards the cliffs he liked to use to relax or talk to Alduin. Once there Bee transformed into Alduin's form and sat down.

-What did you want to talk about Alduin?-

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