Rainy day

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Wheeljack and Bumblebee entered the base drippimg wet. Ratchet looked over at the two and heard Wheeljack whining about the water, he couldn't help but laugh at the wrecker. Ratchet walked over to the two mechs, he greeted them both and handed them each a towel to dry off. After the two dried off Wheeljack went over to the med bay and then left and down the hall to his quarters. Ratchet left the med bay and headed down the hall to his quarters as well.

Bee saw Ratchet leaving the med bay to go to his quarters. It was strange to Bee because Ratchet never goes to his quarters in the mid day. Bumblebee transformed into Alduin's form and creeped down the hall. The halls were dark but it wasn't enough to keep him hidden, Bee looked at the wall and noticed beams the were close to the ceiling. Bumblebee walked back into the main room looking for away to get up to them, as Bee was looking he heard his name being called. He looked behind him to see Arcee, Bulkhead, Ironhide, Chromia, Elita,Optimus, Smokescreen, Ultra Magnus, Soundwave, Windblade, Starscream and a another figure that was hard to see. Arcee called to Bee after Ironhide had, Bee looked back to what he was doing and found his way up. Bee backed himself up making sure he had enough room to get up to the beams, he sprinted at the wall and jumped at the last minute setting his paws in place.

After making the running start and landing where he wanted, a loud bang startled the group causing them to look over at where he was and saw he was gone until one bot pointed Bee out. Everyone watched as the massive K-9 pulled himself up onto the metal beams, he jumped from beam to beam some he was able to just walk to. Arcee looked at the new bot and saw their scared look.

"Don't worry, I've seen him do stranger things"

Bee's POV
I walked around on the beams making sure to not fall. As I left the area that was above the main room I heard Arcee mumble something. With Alduin's form all my senses become ten times sharper, my audio receptors could hear the quietest whisper but that's only if I'm in this form. I made my way down the beams that was above the hall of quarters, I spotted Ratchets. I quickly scrambled over the beams so that I was next to Ratchet's quarters. I know this is wrong but my curiosity was tugging at me. I know that if Arcee and I ever have a sparkling they are going to be very curious, the amount of curiosity me and Arcee have is bad at times. Ratchet says it's going to be the death of us but we can't help but laugh at it. I froze when I heard a sound below me, I looked down and saw Ratchet and Wheeljack. Wheeljack was placing kiss all over Ratchet's faceplate as he tried to reach for the keypad next to his door of his quarters. What I saw next caused me to quickly look up and stay vey still, I turned around and as I did my back right paw landed on a weak spot causing a small Piece of the beam to fall. Both mechs stopped what they were doing and looked up, I tried my best to stay hidden and not be seen. It clearly worked because I soon heard a door close and lock, I quickly made my way back so I could get down.

I was above the main room and was close to the group, as I made my way to get down where I got up I felt something shake. After awhile it stopped, I took another step and it happened again. As I stood there I felt it shake more violently, then I turned my helm to see something flying at my helm. It hit me and caused me to fall, my front paws held onto the beam I pleaded that I could get back up I then was hit again causing me to fall.

I opened my optics and saw something under me, as I looked at the colors I knew who it was. I quickly got off of them and saw everyone looking at me. I looked up and saw where I fell then I saw what hit me.....Scrap....I heard the person who hit me come down the hall as well as another bot. Another wrench went flying past me, it was so close it scratched my ear, I quickly took off not being able to tell Arcee sorry I ran for my life and it sucked that it was raining because I was running out of places to run too. As I met a dead end I heard something coming and saw a katana, I spotted the beams and quickly jumped for them. The katana barely missed me, when I got up into the beams I felt energon drip down my faceplate. I found a place and hid for awhile up in the beams, I found out that Wheeljack's katana sliced Alduin's ear, it hurt like hell but lucky it wasn't bad. I reminded myself not to do that again and never do it if it's raining.

Sorry for the short one guys I was having a bit of trouble coming up with this one but I needed to get some Wheeljack x Ratchet in there

Sorry for the short one guys I was having a bit of trouble coming up with this one but I needed to get some Wheeljack x Ratchet in there

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