Heated problems

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Hey guys just wanted to say this story hit 100 views yesterday. I will try to publish a chapter a day, if I don't then just know I'm working on getting it out to you guys. I hope your enjoying this story!

A week had pasted since the incident with Bee and Wheeljack. Optimus noticed Bee was better which was a good sign, after Bee came back he made it up to the wrecker. Optimus was looking at a data pad in his quarters when he got a message. It was from his spark mate, Elita-one was going to visit him along with Chromia, Ironhide and Windblade. This made the prime happy, he was going to be able to see his spark mate. He went looking for Ratchet and Bumblebee, he found Ratchet in the med bay as usual, Bee was with Arcee who seemed to be upset about something.

"Ratchet can you come with me for a second?
I have something I need to talk to you about"

"Sure Optimus"

The medic left his work as he followed the prime. Optimus went over to Bee who has trying to comfort Arcee.

"Bumblebee can you step away for a second?"

The scout looked up at his leader wonder what he had to say.

"Is it important?"

"Yes, it will only take a minute"

"Uh..ok..I'll be right back Arcee"

The scout placed a kiss on her cheek and followed the prime out of the main room. The prime lead them into his quarters, when they got in there the tall mech sat at a desk. He held out a data pad for Ratchet to take. The medic looked at the pad and read the message, Bee then took the data pad and read it for himself. Ratchets face lit up, it had been awhile since they had been around and the medic kinda missed the Afthole Ironhide. Bee's expression dropped dead as his door wings fell, Bee wasn't happy about it at all he loved Ironhide like family but the mech always found a way to make fun of the scout. But the plus side of it was Arcee was going to get to see her sisters Elita-one and Chromia.

"What's wrong Bee?"

"Does Ironhide really have to come?"

"Well yes, he is Chromia's spark mate"

The scout sighed he didn't like it one bit but he figured he could just stay away from the mech if it came to it.

"Bee, Ironhide was your guardian, why wouldn't you want to see him?"

"I do, he just does and says things that are embarrassing, it would be like having another Wheeljack around"

"Well I'm sure it will be different Bee, just wait and see"

"Alright I'll try, is that all?"

"Yes, and Bee don't say anything to the others or Arcee"

"Yes sir"

Ratchet and Bumblebee left the room and headed back to the main room. As the two mechs walked into the main room Bees door wings fell way down as he heard a voice that was all to familiar. He turned to see the black mech walking towards him the mech picked up the scout and pulled him into a hug.



"How has my scout been?"

"Great, how about you?"

"I've been doin well"

"Ok, Hide put him down before you hurt him"

"Hey Chromia"

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